[wanabidii] Iran-Yemen-Nuclear Deal Axis, Racism or Reality, When Egypt Occupied Tel Aviv - Mar. 29, 2015

Sunday, March 29, 2015

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March 29, 2015 / 9 Nisan 5775



Headlines & Recommended

Netanyahu Warns Iran-Yemen-Nuclear Deal Axis 'Dangerous to Humanity' [video]
The Prime Minister told the Cabinet the deal in the works is even worse than feared.
18,000 Iranian Centrifuges

Iran Forces Kerry to Cancel Trip to US and Remain for More Talks
Don't expect Iran to sign anything before the last minute, if not afterwards, and if at all.
John Kerry stuck in Lausanne for more talk with Iran.

Racism or Reality?
It is perfectly understandable how someone who has no background in Israeli politics could mistake Bibi's speech as racist...
MK Haneen Zoabi being ejected from the Knesset Floor in July 2011. She flew into an uncontrollable rage while the Prime Minister was speaking.

Putin Congratulates Netanyahu and Tells Arabs Jerusalem Is their Capital
With "congratulations" like these, who needs a punch in the stomach?
Russian President Vladimir Putin (R) and Israeli Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu meet in the Kremlin, Nov. 20, 2013.

Houthis Copy Hamas Tactics and Use Civilian Shields to Hit Saudi Planes
The Iranian-backed rebels also threaten suicide bombing attacks as they approach the Saudi border.
Child looks on as Houti rebels' truck passes with weapons.

Iranian Journalist Defects, Says US Team Speaking for Iran
"The US negotiating team are mainly there to speak on Iran's behalf with other members of the 5+1 countries and convince them of a deal."

May the Government of Israel Truly Protect our Heritage‏
I pray each member of Knesset will represent the interests of the State of Israel & ALL its citizens
Knesset and Menorah

It's Hard to be a Christian Arab in Israel
My beliefs & actions have led to numerous death threats against me; my excommunication by my church
Father Gabriel Naddaf with soldiers

Archaeologists Discover Egypt Occupied Tel Aviv 5,000 Years Ago
The discovery would be a death blow the PA claims that Tel Aviv is "Palestinian" if it weren't for the fact that that Arafat was born in Egypt.
Tent over excavation site in downtown Tel Aviv.

A New Deal for Charedim?
Israel's Charedi world is in financial crisis. If the trend worsens it may be their breaking point.
Moshe Gafni

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