[wanabidii] Fw: Top News from Christian News Network 

Saturday, March 28, 2015
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From: Christian News Network <hclark@christiannews.net>
To: materufrank@yahoo.com
Sent: Saturday, March 28, 2015 3:01 PM
Subject: Top News from Christian News Network 

Top News from Christian News Network 
Top Christian news from Christian News Network christiannews.net
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Christian News Network
Preacher Fined for 'Emotional Harm' Caused by Quoting Levitical Law Against Homosexuality
(CN) -- A street preacher in the UK who was charged with making "homophobic" remarks has been declared guilty of breaking English law and must pay a fine for his speech, including to a man to whom he quoted Scripture from the book of Leviticus.

As previously reported, Mike Overd, a street preacher for five years, was accused of speaking against homosexuality and Islam last June and July on two separate occasions. He was leveled with two charges of using threatening and abusive words, and a charge of causing racially or religiously aggravated harassment, alarm or distress under the Public Order Act.


Minister Who Denies God's Existence: I Don't Appreciate Being Told I'm Not a Christian
(CN) -- A Presbyterian USA minister in Oregon who says that he doesn't believe in God—and doesn't require his members to believe either—remarked in a recent article that he is offended by those who assert that he is not a Christian.

"Someone quipped that my congregation is BYOG: Bring Your Own God. I use that and invite people to 'bring their own God'—or none at all," wrote John Shuck of Beaverton's Southminster Presbyterian Church in a guest post for Patheos last week. "While the symbol 'God' is part of our cultural tradition, you can take it or leave it or redefine it to your liking."

'I Ached Every Day for a Dad': Woman Raised by Lesbians Speaks Out Against Same-Sex 'Marriage'
(CN) -- A woman who was raised by a lesbian mother and her partner after her parents divorced is speaking out against same-sex "marriage" and the affect that it can have on children such as herself.

Heather Barwick, now 31, wrote an open letter this past week entitled "Dear Gay Community: Your Kids Are Hurting," in which she shared her own personal story of growing up without a father.

Obama Calls for American Pastor Imprisoned in Iran to Be Released for Persian New Year 
(CN) -- Barack Obama issued a call on Friday for an American pastor imprisoned in Iran to be released for the Persian New Year, which began yesterday.

As a tradition during the Iranian holiday Nowruz, some prisoners are set free or receive reduced sentences. Obama called upon the Iranian government on Friday to free Pastor Saeed Abedini during the observance, among other Americans who are also being held in the country.


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