[wanabidii] FLOURIDE - DID YOU KNOW???

Thursday, March 05, 2015
1.     In 1955, Crest became the first flouride toothpaste.
2.     Flouride calcifies the paneal gland, otherwise known as 3rd eye which literally has nods and cones, just like your other eyes!
3.     Flouride is so toxic that is considered Hazardous Wasre by EPA.
4.     Hitler flouridated the water in the concentration camps to sedate the prisoners.
5.      Flouride is the same ingredient in rat poison and Prozac.
6.     According to Dr. Bill Osmunson, there's the same equivalence  of flouride in an 8 ounce of flouridated tap water as there is in a "pea sized" amount needed to call the Poison Control Centre, as recommended on the back of any flouridated toothpaste.

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