[wanabidii] Press Releases: Special Advisor for Children's Issues Travels to Honduras and Guatemala

Saturday, February 07, 2015

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02/06/2015 03:08 PM EST

Special Advisor for Children's Issues Travels to Honduras and Guatemala

Media Note
Office of the Spokesperson
Washington, DC
February 6, 2015

Special Advisor for Children’s Issues Ambassador Susan Jacobs is visiting Honduras from February 5-7. While in Honduras, she will meet with government officials to discuss international parental child abduction, the implementation of the Hague Abduction Convention, and how to work together on intercountry adoption.

Ambassador Jacobs will then travel on her seventh trip to Guatemala from February 8-11. Ms. Joanna Ruppel, Chief of International Operations from the United States Citizenship and Immigration Services, will join the Special Advisor. They will meet with senior government officials to discuss completion of the pending intercountry adoption cases.

For more information about children’s issues, please visit: ChildrensIssues.state.gov

For updates on Special Advisor Jacobs’ trip, follow her on Twitter: @ChildrensIssues

For press inquiries please contact CAPRESSREQUESTS@state.gov or (202) 647-1488.

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