[wanabidii] Press Releases: EducationUSA Leadership Institutes in the U.S. Kick Off for Government Officials and Higher Education Administrators from 22 Countries

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

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02/10/2015 04:18 PM EST

EducationUSA Leadership Institutes in the U.S. Kick Off for Government Officials and Higher Education Administrators from 22 Countries

Media Note
Office of the Spokesperson
Washington, DC
February 10, 2015

This week, 39 representatives from foreign governments and administrators from colleges and universities around the world begin their Washington, D.C. - based orientation to the inaugural round of the U.S. Department of State’s EducationUSA Leadership Institutes. This initiative is designed to increase understanding of U.S. higher education and build capacity to facilitate exchanges to the United States within educational systems and campuses worldwide.

At the close of the program orientation on February 13th, participants will disperse across the United States to begin their three-week academic residencies focused on U.S. and international accreditation and quality assurance frameworks; strategies for collaboration between higher education and the private sector; international student recruitment and retention; and strategies to encourage increased participation in study abroad among U.S. students. Participants will be hosted at the Council for Higher Education Accreditation (CHEA) in Washington, D.C., the Study Colorado higher education consortium in Denver, and the University of North Carolina at Charlotte.

The Leadership Institutes are a component of the State Department’s EducationUSA network, which includes hundreds of advising centers in 170 countries around the world that provide prospective international students with accurate, current, and comprehensive information about U.S. higher education while supporting U.S. colleges’ and universities’ international student recruitment efforts. International education prepares students for today’s globalized economy, and develops the relationships between people and communities in the United States and around the world that are necessary to solve global challenges.

Follow the participants on Twitter @ECAatState or #EdInstitutes.

For press inquiries and more information, contact the press team of the Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs at ECA-Press@state.gov or 202-632-6452.

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