[wanabidii] Leading professional African news portal Africa Intelligence today unveils its new graphic identity

Tuesday, February 17, 2015

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Africa Intelligence 2015: a new air of freedom


Leading professional African news portal today unveils its new graphic identity


PARIS, France, February 17, 2015/ -- Leading professional African news portal Africa Intelligence (http://www.africaintelligence.fr) today unveils its new graphic identity with revamped logos, attractive colours, improved ergonomics and smoother navigation. This restyling marks the conclusion of an ambitious digital transition programme started nearly two years ago with the switch to 100% digital publication in April 2013. In May 2014, there came applications for telephones and tablets and, last November, new lay-outs for the confidential newsletters.


Logo: http://www.photos.apo-opa.com/plog-content/images/apo/logos/ai-indigo.jpg


Screenshot: http://www.photos.apo-opa.com/index.php?level=picture&id=1755


The restyling apart, the Africa Intelligence portal, which was set up in 1996, remains faithful to its original values: total editorial independence and exclusive news destined for a high-level professional audience.  Its objectives remain the same: better understanding of the issues underlying the exercise of power, analysis of the workings of business networks and exposure of the realities behind the news.


A portal which offers readers total freedom of choice


This new formula enables Africa Intelligence, which is published in English and French, to strengthen the portal’s position by offering a wider choice of modes of access to the information it contains.


Africa Intelligence’s readers come from a wide variety of professional backgrounds. They are spread all over the planet and they all have very different reading requirements. This is why the new portal aims to give them the greatest possible freedom of choice:


•          Choice of language, French or English ;

•          Access to content by computer, tablet or mobile telephone ;

•          Subscription to the whole portal with unlimited access to all five confidential newsletters: West Africa Newsletter, The Indian Ocean Newsletter, Maghreb Confidential, Africa Energy Intelligence and Africa Mining Intelligence. Also included in this subscription are more than 100,000 articles archived since 1992, alerts, special reports, Insiders articles, country channels.

•          Subscription to any of the five newsletters individually with access to all its archives;

•          Subscription to a country channel for readers who are interested by a single country and want access only to articles about it;

•          Purchase of articles individually for those who prefer to pay solely for the articles they read.


Distributed by APO (African Press Organization) on behalf of Indigo Publications.



Contacts :


. Editorial

Maurice Botbol, publisher / botbol@indigo-net.com

Francis Soler, deputy managing editor / soler@indigo-net.com

Frédéric Lejeal, editor in chief, West Africa Newsletter/ lejeal@indigo-net.com           


. Communication

Elsa Berry, communications manager / berry@indigo-net.com / +33 1 44 88 57 32


About Africa Intelligence

The Africa Intelligence portal is published by Indigo Publications, an independent press group set up by a group of journalists in Paris in 1981. Often dubbed “the smallest international press group in the world », it publishes three other websites:  Intelligence Online (http://www.intelligenceonline.com), La Lettre A (http://www.lalettrea.fr) and PresseNews (http://www.pressenews.fr). The group makes no use of advertising or subsidies, drawing all its resources from its readers.



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