[wanabidii] Iranian Nukes, A Kipa-wearing Jew in Ramallah, PLO/PA Finances Terror - Feb. 24, 2015

Tuesday, February 24, 2015

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February 24, 2015 / 5 Adar 5775


The Anglo Vote is tomorrow (Wednesday) evening, at 6:30 PM Israeli time.
If you can't come to Cinema City in Jerusalem, you will be able to watch it livestreamed on JewishPress.com and from the TheAngloVote.com site. 
We look forward to seeing you there.

Headlines & Recommended

'Apocalyptic' Iran Deal: Details Increasingly Reveal Bibi is Right
Details of the negotiations with Iran reveal Bibi's warnings correct: this is a very bad deal.
Israeli Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu, in a public statement, referred to the threatened deal between Iran and the west, as a

US Media Avoids Iran Opposition Group Exposure of Secret Parallel Nuclear Program
An Iranian opposition group was set to announce information about a top secret parallel nuclear development site -- but US news media suddenly ditched the story. Why?
Iranian diplomatic nuclear strategy...

US Officials Demand Visiting NY Official Take Off Kippa in Ramallah
NYC Councilor Greenfield stood his ground and walked into the consulate with his kippa on his head.
NY City Councilor David Greenfield - with a kippa.

Brucellosis Spreading As PA Fails To Vaccinate Sheep
Brucellosis, an infectious disease that spreads from animals to humans, is on the rise in the Palestinian Authority because of the failure of Mahmoud Abbas' PA to provide vaccines against the disease.
Sheep near Ramat Rachel

NY Jury Finds PLO, Palestinian Authority Financially Liable for American Victims of Terror
The Palestine Liberation Organization and the Palestinian Authority has been found liable in a civil lawsuit for terror against Israelis in a NY federal court room.
The price of Palestinian Authority terror in Israel.

Terrorists May Have Built Sophisticated Tunnel to Pan Am Games Site
Officials are not making any conclusions except to rule out that the tunnel is not a drug lab.
Graphic of

Israeli Ambassador 'Awards Oscars' and Teaches UN its Principles
Israel's ambassador is the party pooper as the UN congratulates itself for its 70 year commitment to lofty principles.
Ron Prosor, Israel's Ambassador to the United Nations.

Boston Muslim and Reform Jewish Clergy Pray to Stop the Snow [video]
They rely on a verse from Jeremiah - "Seek the welfare of the city."
Muslim, Jewish and Christian clergy say everyone in Boston is the snow together.

Islamist 10-Year-old Girl Blows Herself Up in Nigerian Suicide Attack
Boko Haram apparently was the barbarian group that recruited her.
Future suicide bombers?

Soldier Lightly Injured, Terrorist Killed in Bethlehem
IDF troops returned fire at a 20-year old terrorist who threw a firebomb at the soldiers, killing the terrorist.
Arab sources identify this man as the terrorist shot by IDF troops on Feb. 24, 2015 in Daheisha, Bethlehem.

Sleight of Hand at the White House Summit on Violent Extremism? What Do You Think?
Punishment of those waging war against Allah and his messenger...is they be murdered or crucified
Muslims protesting with a Quran

Berlin 2015: Jewish Magazines Now Arrive in Plain Paper for Safety
In Berlin 2015, a major Jewish monthly magazine is now delivered in plain wrapping paper -- to minimize the chance of attack.
An anti-Semitic poster seen in Europe.

Mall of America Shoppers Told 'Stay Vigilant' After Video Call for Terror
The head of the U.S. Dept. of Homeland Security tells shoppers to "stay vigilant" after a video call for jihad targets the Mall of America in Bloomington, MN -- the country's largest shopping center.
The Mall of America in Bloomington, MN -- a suburb of the Twin Cities. (archive)

New Study: Jewish, Pro-Israel Students on US Campuses Not 'Legitimate' Victims
Anti-Semitism on U.S. campuses is widespread, perhaps because Jews are not seen as legitimate victims.
Israeli Apartheid Week at the University of California, Los Angeles campus.

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