[wanabidii] Rabbi Sholom Klass, PA/Hamas Crimes Against Humanity, Who is behind V15? Splitting the Sea - Jan. 30, 2015

Friday, January 30, 2015

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January 30, 2015 / 10 Shevat 5775


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Headlines & Recommended

My Zaidie, Rabbi Sholom Klass
Though Zaide was the publisher of The Jewish Press, a big newspaper,I always remember him learning
Rabbi Sholom Klass

Hamas (PUG) 'War Crimes Camp' Graduates Trains 17,000 Teens for Terror
Maybe, just maybe, the new generation of terrorists will one day turn their guns on their oppressors in Gaza.
Children learn how to shoot rifles to kill Jews.

Obama Wins War on Terror By Saying It Doesn't Exist [video]
The White House explains that Taliban is not a terrorist group — it is an "armed insurgency."
You are looking at an

State Dept. Says Taxpayers' Money not Used in V-15 Campaign
The US in November stopped funding a left-wing group that is helping to campaign against Netanyahu
US State Department spokesperson Jen Psaki.

Sen. Cruz Asks if Obama Behind V-15 'Political Campaign against Netanyahu'
Cruz and New York Rep. Zeldin complained to Kerry of Obama's "relentless harassment."
Texas Republican Sen. Ted Cruz.

Bibi, Iran's Nukes, and Military Force in a Changed Middle East
An Israeli strike could theoretically damage Iran's nuclear program; only US can terminate program

Shin Bet Sting Nabs Israeli Arabs Joining Al Qaeda, ISIS
A Shin Bet sting nabs Arab Israelis after returning from Syria where they join Al Qaeda and ISIS-linked terror groups -- a whole group this month.
Photo of Al Qaeda founder and former leader, Osama Bin Laden, seen above a Palestinian Authority flag.

ISIS Attacks Egypt, 27 Dead, Dozens Wounded
Simultaneous explosions in Egypt killed and wounded dozens Thursday night.
Explosion in El-Arish, in the Egyptian Sinai Peninsula, Jan. 29, 2015.

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