[wanabidii] Press Releases: "Joint Elements" from U.S.-EU Cyber Dialogue, 5th December 2014

Friday, December 05, 2014

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12/05/2014 12:52 PM EST

"Joint Elements" from U.S.-EU Cyber Dialogue, 5th December 2014

Media Note
Office of the Spokesperson
Washington, DC
December 5, 2014

On the occasion of the inaugural meeting of the U.S.-E.U. Cyber Dialogue in Brussels, Belgium on December 5, the participants jointly agreed to specific areas of collaboration and cooperation as follows:

International Security in Cyberspace
All participants welcomed the landmark consensus of the 2012-2013 Group of Governmental Experts on Developments in the Field of Information and Telecommunications in the Context of International Security, including the affirmation of the applicability of existing international law to cyberspace. Both sides welcomed the confidence building measures agreed to in the Organization for Security Cooperation in Europe and their implementation in order to build confidence and reduce the prospects for conflict in cyberspace and commended efforts to expand similar efforts in other regional fora such as the ASEAN Regional Forum and the Organization for American States.

Internet Governance Developments in 2015
All reiterated that no single entity, company, organization or government should seek to control the Internet and expressed their full support for multi-stakeholder governance structures of the Internet that are inclusive, transparent, accountable, and technically sound. As such we:

  • emphasized the value of the annual Internet Governance Forum (IGF) and encouraged its ongoing improvements in line with the UN Commission on Science and Technology for Development recommendations. Urged renewal of the IGF’s mandate and the continuation of its work, according to paragraph 72 of The Tunis Agenda, beyond the end of its current mandate in 2015.
  • recognized the importance of the NETmundial Global Multistakeholder Meeting on the Future of Internet Governance hosted by Brazil in April 2014 which set common principles and important values for an inclusive, multistakeholder, and evolving governance framework. Both sides are committed to implementing the NETmundial roadmap.
  • welcomed the multi-stakeholder community’s engagement on efforts to address accountability of the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) and transitioning the stewardship of the Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA), recognizing the positive progress of these two interrelated initiatives.


U.S.-EU Cyber Related Work Streams

They both welcomed the continued cooperation occurring through the existing U.S.-EU Working Group on Cybersecurity and Cybercrime and highlighted the cooperation occurring in the following key areas:


  • On public-private partnerships, they noted the preliminary workshop held in November 2014 comparing U.S. Cybersecurity Framework and EU NIS Platform approaches to cybersecurity risk management and voluntary information sharing. Participants highlighted the opportunity for future work to foster common approaches and best practices to cybersecurity risk management.
  • On awareness raising, they highlighted the successful conclusion of the synchronised U.S.-EU cybersecurity awareness raising month in October 2014, noted the progress made in awareness raising cooperation through the Working Group, and looked forward to further cooperation in this area.
  • The two sides noted the opportunity for further collaboration among the U.S., EU, and member states on cyber incident management and considered a joint activity with the aim of enhancing cooperation in case of global cyber-incidents, building upon the lessons learned from the U.S.-EU CyberAtlantic 2011 exercise, national exercises, and operational experience.


  • The Global Alliance Against Child Sexual Abuse Online has consolidated, grown larger and gained new momentum as noted in the Ministerial Conference held in Washington on 29-30 September 2014 and its ambitious Ministerial Statement. We will continue our work together to ensure this initiative is effective and intensify our cooperation to tackle jointly the issues presented by transnational child sex offenders, following the mandate given at the U.S.-EU Summit this year.
  • We affirmed our commitment to promote the Budapest Convention as the reference framework for the fight against cybercrime, including by working together in international fora. We welcome the most recent signatories in 2014: Luxembourg, Turkey, and Panama.
  • We will also proactively work with Internet organizations (such as ICANN and the Regional Internet Registries) to engage their support and cooperation in furthering greater security and stability on the Internet and to address cybercrime challenges

Upcoming Cyber Events
The two sides look forward to the UN General Assembly ten-year review of the World Summit on the Information Society in 2015. They both believe that the timing of the review is appropriate as the UN General Assembly will be finalizing a post-2015 development agenda, and the review will build on efforts to continue bridging the digital divide. The General Assembly’s recognition and allowance for multistakeholder participation in the review was appreciated, and participation from all stakeholders is strongly encouraged and welcomed.

With the increasing relevance that cyber issues play in society overall, the United States and the EU welcomed the upcoming Global Conference on Cyberspace in The Hague in April 2015 and the annual Freedom Online (Coalition) Conference in Mongolia in May 2015.

Promotion and Protection of Human Rights Online
They reaffirmed their strong commitment to the promotion and protection of human rights. They emphasized that all human beings have the same human rights online and offline and that states have an obligation to protect those rights in accordance with international law. In particular, the rights to freedom of expression and privacy, as set out in the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, in the digital sphere require the attention of all stakeholders.

Global Cyber Capacity Building
Both sides emphasized the importance of bridging the digital divide towards fostering open societies and enabling economic growth and social development. They reiterated their commitment to an approach to cyber capacity building that leverages the expertise and resources of all stakeholders to ensure that people around the world can fully benefit from the Internet and ICTs. They welcomed further coordination among actors globally and agreed to continue exchanging views and good practices, as well as seeking future synergies in their respective global cyber capacity building initiatives.

The chairs agreed that they will continue their collaborative efforts and convene the U.S.-EU Cyber Dialogue again in approximately one year’s time in Washington, D.C.

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