[wanabidii] Low public awareness of how livestock fuel climate change, plus…

Friday, December 05, 2014

...Moving Energy Initiative, Afghanistan, OPEC

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The global public need a greater awareness of how meat and dairy consumption can affect climate change, according to the findings of a new Chatham House paper.

A new briefing explores the potential shape of a peace process in Afghanistan, while the country's new president, Ashraf Ghani, visited Chatham House. Further research examines the challenges of providing sustainable energy to displaced people and Paul Stevens looks at the flaws in OPEC's oil price strategy in an expert comment.

Plus, read the new issue of The World Today online and let us know what you think of your experience in our reader survey.

Far-reaching shifts in the global consumption of animal products are crucial to achieving climate change objectives, yet new research into public understanding of the link between eating meat and dairy and climate change reveals a major lack of awareness.

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Two new papers examine the challenges of providing better and more sustainable energy access for refugees and displaced people, as well as incorporating the issue into global humanitarian responses.

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A peace process in Afghanistan does not appear to be imminent, but a comparative look at peace processes could help to inject new energy into efforts to think about the shape of an Afghan version, writes Caroline Hartzell. At a members event, Afghanistan's new president, Ashraf Ghani, discussed the theory and practice of fixing failed states.

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OPEC is making the same fundamental mistakes it made during the 1980s oil price collapse, writes Paul Stevens.

Read the expert comment>

Thursday 11 December | 10:30 - 11:30

Elhadj As Sy, Secretary General, International Federation of the Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies

Chair: Bob Dewar, Associate Fellow, Africa Programme, Chatham House

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