[wanabidii] Livni's vulgarity shocks everyone, Tom Friedman and The Joker, Purim and Elections - Dec. 14, 2014

Sunday, December 14, 2014

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December 14, 2014 / 22 Kislev 5775


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Livni Loses It on National TV [video]
Livni's unrepeatable gutter language shocked even the Left-wing panel members. "Is she on drugs?" asks Likud Minister Yisrael Katz.
Livni has a good time laughing at her gutter remarks against Netanyahu on Israeli television satirical show.

ISIS, the Joker, and Tom Friedman
Thomas Friedman quoted a Batman movie to prove his point, but all Tom proved was that he didn't understand the movie.
Thomas Friedman

Livni Feints Right, Liberman Fumbles, and Everyone Thinks It's Purim
The party chiefs are acting drunk and childish - making stupid mistakes and inadvertently showing their true selves - just like on Purim.

Secular Yesha Leader Dani Dayan Bolts Likud for Jewish Home Party
The addition of the secular Dayan is another sign pointing to national religious Uri Ariel's joining Haredi Eli Yishai.
Dani Dayan is the one without a kippa.

Polls Show Voters Don't Like Bibi but He Will Be Elected
Netanyahu is not likeable, but leading the country is not a popularity contest.
Netanyahu not popular, not likeable but electable.

Palestinian Authority soldiers, the ones who are supposed to

Worshipers were cut down as they prayed.

Jordan's King Blames Israel for ISIS?!
Jordan's king caused the rise of terrorists&ISIS by denying the Palestinian majority their rights
Can King Abdullah II of Jordan be saved?

How the New U.S. Tax Amnesty May Affect You
How does the new U.S. tax amnesty affect American citizens living in Israel and abroad?
Doug Goldstein

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The Shame Continues
A Banner Raised High
Menachem Ben-Mordechai
Hamas Demonstrating on Temple Mount

Aides help Palestinian Minister Ziad Abu Ein before he collapsed and later died at a Ramallah hospital.

How the New U.S. Tax Amnesty May Affect You
Goldstein on Gelt
Doug Goldstein, CFP®
Doug Goldstein

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