[wanabidii] Terror on the Roads, Hareidi Working Women, Yehuda Glick Updates, Temple Mount - Oct 13, 2014

Friday, November 14, 2014

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November 13, 2014 / 20 Heshvan 5775


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Headlines & Recommended

Yehudah Glick Medical Update
Yehudah Glick's wife requests that prayers continue to be said for Yehuda's full recovery and to please NOT visit him at the hospital at this time.
Yehuda Glick and Wife in Hospital

Yehudah Glick Medical Update
Glick has been weaned off the respirator, and has now been breathing on his own for 2 days.
Yehuda Glick BW

Kerry,Netanyahu and Abbas to Meet in Jordan
The fact that only the US announced the meeting indicates it is theater of the absurd
Kerry at Ramallah in front of replica of Dome of the Rock.

Schabas's 'Goldstone 2′ Investigation Team Denied Entry Into Israel
Israel is not cooperating with William Schabas's attempt to write the Goldstone 2 report.
William Schabas, named to chair the UNHRC Commission on Gaza, has made repeated denunciations of Israeli leaders as war criminals.

Public Security Ministers Threatens to Bar MKs from Temple Mount
Housing Minister Uri Ariel's office says, "It won't happen."
Uri Ariel on the Temple Mount.

The Holiest Sports Arena on Earth [video]
Can you name the holiest sports arena on the face of this Earth?
Arabs playing soccer on the Tempe Mount

What To Do About Car Terrorism
American Jews can take political action making a difference battling Palestinian terrorism.

The Anti-Democratic Initiative of the Anti-Adelson Horde
The ostensible basis for the banning of Israel Hayom is that it is distributed for free.
Opponents of competition and free speech on the left and right are trying to destroy the popularity of the Yisrael Hayom newspaper.

Arab Terrorist Tried to Pose as Israeli Hitchhiker
"Mohammed the Knife" takes the place of Jack.
Border Police keep an eye out for Palestinian Authority terrorists.

Run-Over Terror Attempt Foiled Near Neve Tzuf
The attack happened on the highway near the entrance to the Tzofit neighborhood of Neve Tzuf which is in the Binyamin region.
Neve Tzuf's Tzofit bus/hitchhiking station.

Hareidi Women Work the Most
The slashing of government child subsidies is one of the primary reasons for the dramatic rise of working Hareidi women.
Haredi women work at Concept Creative Technology, a subsidiary of Beit Shemesh-based NetSource.

School Calendar Change Sparks Holy War
"The Mohammed who stole Christmas – and Yom Kippur."
Headline from the mas-offends-muslims-03-239x300 from the chersonandmolschky.com website

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