[wanabidii] Press Releases: Sixth Meeting of the International Contact Group on the Central African Republic

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

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11/18/2014 10:20 AM EST

Sixth Meeting of the International Contact Group on the Central African Republic

Press Statement
Jeff Rathke
Director, Bureau of Public Affairs, Office of Press Relations
Washington, DC
November 17, 2014

The United States strongly endorses the conclusions of the sixth meeting of the International Contact Group (ICG) on the Central African Republic (CAR), held in Bangui on November 11. These conclusions reiterate the international community's strong support for the important work that has been done by Transitional President Catherine Samba-Panza and her team to advance a peaceful, inclusive, democratic political transition in CAR, and to govern in the interests of all CAR's people. The conclusions of the ICG again reaffirm the universal stand of the international community and the people and leaders of CAR against impunity, and for access to justice and accountability for violations of international humanitarian law.
The conclusions of the ICG outline a broad consensus on the way forward toward a peaceful, prosperous, tolerant, and democratic future, starting with an intensive effort of the CAR Government, in tandem with its international partners, to prepare for an inclusive national dialogue in the next few months. It is imperative that CAR authorities ensure that this dialogue includes a wide spectrum of voices and viewpoints in CAR. The CAR Government must also continue its outreach to armed groups, and begin national outreach to the provinces at the grassroots level by December 1, 2014.
The United States urges the CAR Government to take all necessary steps to expedite the organization of free, fair, credible, and inclusive elections. The United States also takes note of the findings that planned February 2015 elections are not technically feasible, and of the ICG's request to the CAR Mediator, Republic of Congo President Denis Sassou Nguesso, to extend the transition period by six months.
The United States welcomes the commitment of the international community and the CAR Government to further address the key issues which must undergird a lasting national political consensus and sustainable model of governance, including economic revitalization; improved economic governance; reestablishment of the criminal justice system; disarmament, demobilization, and reintegration; and security sector reform.
CAR's people and leaders continue to face incredible challenges, but have demonstrated their resiliency and determination to move toward a better future. The United States remains a committed partner in helping CAR in this endeavor.

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