[wanabidii] Jerusalem Terror Attack, Jerusalem Construction, Bibi & Obama, Yom Kippur, Campus Antisemitism - Oct. 2, 2014

Thursday, October 02, 2014

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October 2, 2014 / 8 Tishri 5775
Reminder: Friday night is Yom Kippur


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Headlines & Recommended

4 Women Survive Near Lynch on Mount of Olives
A woman and three girls miraculously escaped an Arab lynch mob on Thursday afternoon while driving through the Jerusalem A-Tur neighborhood on the Mount of Olives.
Car Smashed in A-Tur 2

How Not To Have Too Much Integrity On Yom Kippur
God will accept repentance, even if it is mostly for ulterior motives and likely not to last.
Jonah and the Whale (2012) 23 x 23, bronze relief by Lynda Caspe.

May One Wear Crocs on Yom Kippur?
Contrary to popular belief, the Talmud never explicitly limits the ban on footwear to leather shoes.

Barkat Says Housing Project in Jerusalem 'Essential'
Why doesn't Obama also label Jerusalem Arabs as "illegitimate settlers?"
Jerusalem Mayor Nir Barkat puts cement on the official cornerstone celebrating the reopening of the Tiferet Israel Synagogue in Jerusalem's Old City.

Which glass has the poison?

Leak of 2,600 New Homes in Eastern Jerusalem Precedes Obama-Bibi Talks
Israel talks with building blocks. The Palestinian Authority throws them.
Palestinian Authority construction workers build homes for Jews in eastern Jerusalem.

Netanyahu-Obama Press Conference, Iran as Subtext [video]
The subtext in an Obama and Netanyahu press conference continues to be a disagreement over the role of Iran.
Israeli PM Netanyahu and US Pres. Obama met in the Oval Office on Oct. 1, 2014.

Netanyahu, Obama Focus on Different Priorities in White House Talk
PM Netanyahu and US Pres. Obama met Wednesday evening for 75 minutes at the White House in Washington DC.
Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu meets with US President Barack Obama at the White House, Oct. 1, 2014.

US: Strict Policy Against Civilian Casualties Not for ISIS Attacks
US admits its 'no-strike if any civilians might be hit' policy does not apply to its airstrikes against ISIS.
U.S. President Barack Obama, Sept. 8, 2014.

Biden's New NSA Chief Mocked Israeli Nuke Fears
Biden's new national security adviser dissed Israel in the Democratic party platform and mocks Iran's danger.
Colin H. Kahl, VP Joe Biden's new national security adviser.

Fliers Posted at U. of California Santa Barbara Blame Jews for 9/11
American university campuses have become fertile ground for seeds of evil.
Poster on University of California's Santa Barbara campus accuses Jews of being behind 9/11.

Non-Jewish Groups Join Protest against Campus Anti-Semitism
Letter of protest charges SJP with "harassing and intimidating Jewish students."
Israeli Apartheid Week at the University of California, Los Angeles campus.

Arkansas Shooting Range Declares Itself Muslim-Free Zone'
"How then, can anyone say that, the practice of Islam is protected by the U.S. Constitution?"
Jan Morgan, owner of the Gun Cave Indoor Shooting Range.

Fire The Doctor
Soldiers at various hospitals complained that they experienced hostility from Arab hospital staff.
MK Moshe-Feiglin

PA Demands Nov 2016 Deadline for UN to Force Israeli Surrender
PA leader Abbas demands UN force Israel back to 1949 Armistice Line by Nov. 2016.
PA Chairman Mahmoud Abbas speaking in Ramallah, July 1, 2014.

PA Chief Negotiator Compares Netanyahu with ISIS
The Palestinian Authority continues to remove its mask and show it is Hamas in sheep's clothing.
Peace partners for hate: Palestinian Authority Chairman Mahmoud Abbas (R) and chief negotiator Saeb Erekat.

Muslim Teen 'Wants to Behead Jews' in Netherlands
A 14-year-old Dutch Muslim high school student is suspended after posting a video saying he is "from ISIS" and wants to "behead Jews."
Demonstrator holds ISIS flag on the ancient plaza of the Temple Mount in Jerusalem's Old City.

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