[wanabidii] Women of ISIS, Cult of Uman, The Enemy of my Enemy... - Sept. 9, 2014

Tuesday, September 09, 2014

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September 9, 2014 / 14 Elul 5774


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Headlines & Recommended

Upgraded Arrow-2 Anti-Ballistic Missile System Tests 'Go Green'
The upgraded Arrow 2 anti-ballistic missile system performed as planned Tuesday at an intercept test over the Mediterranean Sea.
Arrow anti-ballistic missile defense system in testing phase.

Sotloff Family Criticizes US for Ineptitude During Crisis
The Sotloff family believes this administration treated them poorly and it is now attempting to recast what happened.
Steven Joel Sotloff as a hostage of ISIS, before his beheading.

The Bedfellows Are Getting Stranger and Stranger
With Jordan looking like the hungry ISIS's next meal, the kingdom is looking to Israel for help.
Flag of the Islamic State --- formerly known as ISIS, the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria -- or ISIL, the Islamic State of Iraq in the Levant.

Scottish Woman Heads ISIS 'Sisterhood for Martyrdom'
No, she is not Tony Blair's sister-on-law. She is one of 200 British women in the evil ISIS. May she be granted her wish to God for martyrdom.
Aqsa Mahmood, a nice Glasgow Muslim woman who turned jihadist and joined the ISIS.

Yale Chaplain Quits In Wake of Letter Blaming Israel for Rising Anti-Semitism
There still is hope for intelligent life on the anti-Israel campuses.
Yale Chaplain Bruce Shipman resigns after protest over his claim that Israel is to blame for anti-Semitism.

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