[wanabidii] Press Releases: U.S. Congratulates Iraqis on the Formation of a Government

Tuesday, September 09, 2014

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09/08/2014 07:50 PM EDT

U.S. Congratulates Iraqis on the Formation of a Government

Press Statement
John Kerry
Secretary of State
Washington, DC
September 8, 2014

Today’s decision is a milestone in the emergence of the new Iraq and testament to the determination of the Iraqi people to overcome sectarian divisions and build their own future, a goal only they can achieve.

Iraq’s leaders must now govern with the same sense of purpose that helped them bring this government together. Moving forward in implementing the roadmap of their National Plan will help address many of the long-standing political and economic grievances that have divided Iraq’s diverse communities. The critical issues to address include security sector reform, power and revenue sharing, and other important aspects under the Iraqi constitution that will strengthen Iraq's federal and democratic system and help unify the Iraqi people as they confront terrorism and work to defeat ISIL.

The United States will stand shoulder to shoulder with the Iraqi government and people as they implement this plan and aggressively take the fight to ISIL and its bankrupt ideology. ISIL is a common enemy and the United States is prepared to further enhance our support for Iraq’s fight against ISIL and continue to engage the international community to do the same.

We look forward to working with this new government to expand our cooperation under the Strategic Framework Agreement and to pursue together our shared goal of building a long-term, multidimensional relationship between our two nations. The defeat of ISIL will be a long-term challenge but Iraq will have the support of the United States and its other friends and allies, as it rises above its differences, strengthens its democratic institutions, meets the needs of its vulnerable citizens, combats terrorism, and unites in its resolve against ISIL.

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