We are celebrating this week the one year anniversary of the SAT Farmer Training Centre and the five year anniversary of the Bustani ya Tushikamane Programme! We are proud of our Training Centre which has been the first one in Tanzania and focuses on sustainable solutions in organic production and happy to introduce you to our new courses.
Do you need to build up the capacity of your farmers, field officers or yourself?
In the coming weeks we'll have four interesting trainings:
- For farmers we have Organic Agriculture basic course and Animal Production course
- For those who are interested in climate smart agriculture: Zero Tillage Course
- For interested young people we conduct the Attract Youth in Agriculture Camp
Organic Agriculture Basic from 29th September to 3rd October
In these 5 days the participants will learn: Composting, preparation of botanical pesticides, plot lay out, drought resistant technologies, grafting and budding of fruit trees.
For further information http://kilimo.org/WordPress/organic-agriculture-basic-2014/
Attract Youth in Agriculture Camp 6th to 10th October
During this week youth will be facilitated on: organic horticulture production, livestock keeping, record keeping and basic business skills. The course will also include entertainment and sport activities to create a young and attractive atmosphere.
For further information http://kilimo.org/WordPress/attract-youth-in-agriculture-camp/
Animal Production Basic ONE 13th to 17th October
During this course participants will receive an introduction to following topics: Poultry & rabbit production and fish farming. The training content includes animal health, medicinal plants, animal housing, feeding & silage preparation.
For further information http://kilimo.org/WordPress/animal-production-2014/
Zero Tillage 20th to 24th October
In this one week course participants are introduced into zero tillage and conservation agriculture practices as well as producing ten botanical extracts for managing pests and diseases in the farm.
For further information http://kilimo.org/WordPress/zero-tillage-2014/
To make a booking please fill the application form and send it to info@kilimo.org

All the best from Morogoro
Janet & Alex
-- Sustainable Agriculture Tanzania P.O.Box 6369, Morogoro Tel:0754 925560; 0655 925560 email: info@kilimo.org HP: www.kilimo.org