[wanabidii] Hundreds Dead in Hamas Human Trafficking, Rockets from Gaza, Message from Naftali Fraenkel's Mother - Sept. 17, 2014

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

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September 17, 2014 / 22 Elul 5774
Lots of amazing articles in today's edition - Read them all!
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Headlines & Recommended

Mother of Naftali Frenkel With Rosh HaShana Request for Jewish Unity [video]
Naftali Frenkel's mother's message for Rosh HaShana is for the Jewish people to remain united, as one family.
Slain Israeli teen Naftali Frenkel's mother, Rachelle Frenkel, has a Rosh HaShana message for the Jewish people.

Hundreds Dead & Missing in Hamas Human Trafficking Ring
Hundred of Gazans drowned as they tried to escape to Europe by boat. Hamas profited from their attempted escape.
Arabs on the Rafah border waiting to cross waiting to leave. (Archive: 2013)

This is What Happens When You Attack Israel
For too long the media and international community have been preaching that "Palestinians" bear no responsibility for the consequences of their decisions and they are passive victims of the conflict.
A Gaza building, reportedly used by Hamas, destroyed by the IDF on August 26, 2014.

Hamas Arrests Yesterday's Rocket Launchers
It would be amusing if the Palestinian Authority used this opportunity to turn the tables around, and accuse Hamas of collusion with Israel.
funny rocket joke

IDF Confirms: Rocket Launched from Gaza
The IDF has confirmed that a rocket was launched from Gaza at approximately 6:30pm on Tuesday.

How Not to Have Too Much Integrity on Yom Kippur
Rabbi Francis Nataf
Jonah objected to God accepting repentance based on ulterior motives and likely for short duration.
Jonah and the Whale (2012) 23 x 23, bronze relief by Lynda Caspe.

ISIS Sends Obama Fiery Video Response [video]
ISIS released a slick trailer warning Obama that the "Flames of War" are "coming soon."
ISIS's response to President Obama's warnings came in the form of a movie trailer.

Moty and Udi Logo

Muslims Say ISIS Has 'Nothing To Do With Islam'
Prominent Muslims deny that ISIS – the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria terror group --has any real connection to Islam.
Even Muslims -- including a number of groups one might consider to be quite radical -- are distancing themselves from ISIS and declaring the group to be apostate.

What Egypt's President Sisi Really Thinks
Sisi:"The religious nature of the Middle East creates challenges for the governing authorities."
Egyptian president Abdel Fattah el-Sisi, former Field Marshal and Minister of Defense

PA Unity Government Not Unified
Hamas appears determined to sabotage the shaky Palestinian Authority unity government to which it belongs.
PLO / PA / Fatah leader Mahmoud Abbas.

Shelling on Golan Heights Strikes Close to Israeli News Team
Meters from where Israeli journalists were scanning the Golan Heights, shell fire struck from Syria shortly after 1:30 pm Wednesday.
Smoke rises near Quneitra Crossing as it seen from the Golan.Heights in the Israeli side on August 27, 2014, The IDF instructed farmers and civilians to stay away from the border with Syria on the Golan Heights.

New York Man Recruiting for ISIS, Prosecutors Say
A New York man born in Yemen has been charged with trying to recruit for ISIS.
Mufid Elfgeeh, a 30 year old businessman from Yemen, became a U.S. naturalized citizen. Prosecutors allege he was carrying out some extra business on the side for ISIS.

Media Sells Phony Story of Suffering Palestinian Authority Economy
Mainstream media report "all the news to print that fits" the anti-Israeli agenda.
Establishment media report PA economy a disaster. Above: Gourmet restaurant in Ramallah Mall.

Iron Dome: Israel Ends the Long Battlefield Reign of the Missile
Iron Dome intercepted over 1,000 rockets aimed at Israel with a success rate of over 90% in 2014
The Iron Dome was called on for the first time in 2013 to intercept a missile fired by terrorists in Sinai at Eilat.

Miracle in Gaza: Power Plant the Guardian Declared "Destroyed" Comes Back to Life
Amnesty International:The crippling of the power station was "collective punishment of Palestinians"

Defending David Gordon
We talked about the responsibility that comes with the pen, its potential to influence and inspire.
IDF lone soldier and Ohio native David Menachem Gordon (z

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