[wanabidii] Arnold Fine Z"L, Egypt's Sinai Initiative for Peace, Jerusalem Intifada, Brussels Terrorist - Sept. 8, 2014

Monday, September 08, 2014

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September 8, 2014 / 13 Elul 5774


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Headlines & Recommended

Arnold Fine 2008

I Remember When
I REMEMBER WHEN I first started working at the Jewish Press 18 years ago, Arnie who was in charge of the newsroom, took me under his wing...
Arnold Fine 2008
If you have any Arnold Fine stories you want to share,
 please send them in.

Egypt Denies Offering Land for 'Sinai State of Palestine'
Egypt has denied offering Mahmoud Abbas a tract of land in Sinai to build a new PA state next to Gaza.
No maps have been drawn yet, but one possible map of the Egyptian Sinai Initiative for Peace/Palestine (ESIPP) could look something like this - with a massive, coastal area from Sinai, contiguous to Gaza, being transferred to the Palestinian Authority for a state.

"Mayor Nir Barkat Fired Me for Doing My Job"
Jerusalem (former) Councilman Arieh King writes, Jerusalem requires a delicate touch; As everyone knows, Jerusalem is a delicate mix of culture and religion.
Jerusalem Panoramic360

Jerusalem Intifada Reaches French Hill
Another round of intifada violence wracked the city of Jerusalem Sunday night, destroying a gas station and wounding two motorists.
Israeli security officer at a destroyed Menta gas station in Jerusalem's French Hill neighborhood on Sunday night, Sept. 7, 2014 after Arab rioters rampaged through the place.

Islamic State Shooter at Brussels Jewish Museum Planned Paris Attack
The Islamic State shooter who attacked the Brussels Jewish Museum planned a much bigger attack in Paris - but failed.
Brussels Jewish Museum

US Mediator for Pal.Arab-Israel Relations Shared Sugar Daddy With Hamas
Qatar funds both Hamas and the Brookings Institution. Martin Indyk is a head honcho at Brookings.
Former U.S. ambassador to Israel Martin Indyk

PA Soccer Chief Calls Israeli-PA Friendly Game 'Crime against Humanity'
Every time Palestinian Authority's former security force chief Jibril Rajoub opens his mouth, he reveals the immorality of the PA.

Oh, Looky there, Saudi Arabia is Building a Fence to Keep Out the Riff-Raff
Saudi Arabia is building its second security fence and no one is complaining.
None of the security fences around the world look like this fence which can barely contain livestock.

It's a bird, it's a plane, it's Chabad!
Chabad of Tel Aviv Resumes Shabbat Para Glider Campaign
There are many ways to let Jews know when it's time to light candles for the Sabbath -- in Tel Aviv, Chabad sends a para glider to fly over the beach.
Chabad of Tel Aviv sends a para glider to fly over the beach each Friday in an innovative campaign to let people know about the Sabbath candle lighting times.

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The Dangers of Rebuilding Gaza‏
Shiloh Musings
Batya Medad
Destroyed Hamas terror base after IAF air strike in Gaza.

Mr. Abutbul: Tear Down that Wall!
Emes Ve-Emunah
Harry Maryles
Shas candidate celebrates his victory in Beit Shemesh in the do-over elections.



Wine, Cheese and Memories
Jordana in Jerusalem
Jordana Brown

The Second Machine Age
Goldstein on Gelt
Doug Goldstein, CFP®
Doug Goldstein

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