[wanabidii] One in every 3 Apple engineers is Indian

Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Apple filed 1,750 H-1B applications during the 10-year period 2001 to 2010, but the number increased sharply to 2,800 during 2011-13. 

 One in every 3 Apple engineers is Indian 

Use these examples from his lessons to learn how to filter and focus your search results to get the answers you want. 

 15 tips to find exactly what you want on Google 

Two years of everyday use can take a toll on your iPhone, but these tips and tricks should be able to hold you over until your next upgrade. Here are 12 easy tricks to make your iPhone run faster: 

 12 tricks to make your iPhone run faster 

CBI has registered a preliminary enquiry (PE) against internet giant Google over Mapathon 2013 for allegedly violating laws by mapping sensitive areas and defence installations, prohibited by law. 

 Google Maps under CBI lens for mapping sensitive areas 

The update is expected to be released as a developers preview in August. 

 Windows Phone 8.1 to get native folder support soon 
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The European Union's antitrust authority has cleared Apple's $3 billion deal to buy Beats Electronics. 

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The predicted 5% to 10% hike in prices has been attributed to a possible drop in production of other smartphones. 

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In a move to push IT based government interface with people and to make mobile connectivity easier, the Narendra Modi government has set the target to provide support to state governments and municipal bodies for launching wi-fi services in urban are... 

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India is headed to be a huge force in shaping the digital future of the world, a top official of Mozilla Foundation, has said. 

 India a huge force in shaping global digital future: Mozilla 

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