[wanabidii] Press Releases: Department of State Memorial Wall Honors Personnel Who Died in the Line of Duty While Advancing the Rule of Law

Wednesday, June 11, 2014

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06/11/2014 03:01 PM EDT

Department of State Memorial Wall Honors Personnel Who Died in the Line of Duty While Advancing the Rule of Law

Fact Sheet
Office of the Spokesperson
Washington, DC
June 11, 2014

The U.S. Department of State has installed a permanent Memorial Wall to honor personnel who lost their lives while supporting overseas criminal justice and counternarcotics assistance programs. Members of the public are invited to contact INLCAPMEMORIALWALL@state.gov to arrange a viewing.

  • The memorial commemorates 87 personnel who lost their lives between 1989 and 2013 while supporting U.S. Department of State criminal justice missions abroad administered by the Department of State’s Bureau of International Narcotics and Law Enforcement Affairs (INL).
  • Most of the personnel died supporting missions in Iraq (28), Peru (18), Afghanistan (15), Colombia (15), and Bosnia-Herzegovina (5).
  • The memorial honors all personnel, regardless of nationality, who died while supporting INL’s criminal justice and counternarcotics programs. Sixty-eight U.S. citizens are listed alongside 19 foreign nationals. The U.S. citizens hailed from 26 different states.
  • Most of the personnel memorialized on the wall were contract employees from DynCorp International, Engility Corporation, Pacific Architects and Engineers, and Civilian Police International; others were U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration federal agents. Many of those killed were former police officers, corrections officers, support staff, security professionals, and counternarcotics pilots and crewmembers. This Memorial Wall is the only monument in the U.S. Department of State that honors the memory of both government and contract personnel.
  • The wall itself is located inside the 21st street entrance of the U.S. Department of State. It measures 54”x36” and consists of a glass panel with the world map etched on it. On top of this large glass panel are three individual panels with the names, dates of death and location of death of the honorees.

For further information, please contact INL-PAPD@state.gov.

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