[wanabidii] Free Booklets For Study

Thursday, June 05, 2014
You may request the following booklets for a fuller picture of what the Christian faith is about.
1. HELL:A Hideous Reality and Locked Into Eternal Punishment (two booklets)
Discusses: False Doctrines of Anihilation and Universal Salvation exposed; Difference between Hell and Grave; Postmortem encounter; Purgatory; Five Departments of Hell; Eternal/Everlasting; and more.
2. Sins That Damn A Society and Sexual Perversion (two booklets)
Discusses: Homosexuality-Lesbianism; The gay agenda; Biological myths; The Despicable Sin of Sodomy; Beastiality; Indepth study on the Lust of the Flesh; Idolatry; Relevant Prophetic Words; and more.
3. Spiritual Warfare Manuels #1 & 2
Discusses: Witchcraft; Curses -and how to break them; The power of the Believer in Christ; Can a Christian Have a Demon?; The Reality of Evil; Many Warfare Prayers; and more.
4. Outline Bible Study -Jesus Died For Our Sins.
Discusses: Salvation; Justification; Faith/Grace; Regeneration; Baptism in the Holy Spirit; Speaking in Tongues; Spiritual Gifts; Sign of the Believers; Spiritual Separation; Power Over Satan; Christian's Relation to the World; and more.
5. 4 Part Bible Study.
Discusses: What must we do to be saved?; Whatever happened to sin?; Once saved - Always saved?; Speaking in tongues; and more.
6. Who Do Men Say I Am?
Discusses: Jesus Christ, the World's Savior; His Pre-existence; His Deity; His Names and Titles; His Omniscience, Omnipotence and Omnipresence; His Divine Offices/Works; His Humanity; and more.
7. Holy Ghost And Fire.
Discusses: The Baptism; The Comforter; The Promise of the Father; Power; Gifts; How to Receive the Holy Ghost; A Detailed Bible Study Outline; and more.
8. Outline Bible Study (newspaper format-limited quantities)
Discusses: The Godhead; The Holy Scriptures; Study on THE WORD (John 1); and more.
Our Other Regular Publications -Click for detailed description and current articles.
1. BATTLE CRY SOUNDING -The original publication of Aggressive Christianity. Filled with fiery, hard hitting messages.
2. OUR SUSTAINING BREAD -Prophetic messages...Words of Wisdom, knowledge & understanding for our daily guidance.
3. BREAD FOR THE NATIONS -Prophetic messages for the nations. Taken from our shortwave broadcast Words Of The Spirit.
4. TRIBAL CALL -The voice of God's holy Army/Nation/Tribe. Tackles many tough questions about living in the Kingdom of God.

QUICKEST--Order by E-mail
SLOWER --Write to us at:
HC 60, BOX 11, FENCE LAKE, NM 87315 USA

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