[wanabidii] Africa: Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights and Labor Request for Proposals: Democracy, Human Rights, and Religious Freedom in Nigeria

Thursday, May 01, 2014

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05/01/2014 09:14 AM EDT

Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights and Labor Request for Proposals: Democracy, Human Rights, and Religious Freedom in Nigeria

April 30, 2014

Department of State

Public Notice

Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights and Labor Request for Proposals: Democracy, Human Rights, and Religious Freedom in Nigeria


The Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights, and Labor (DRL) announces a Request for Proposals from organizations interested in submitting proposals for projects that promote democracy, human rights, and religious freedom in Nigeria.

PLEASE NOTE: DRL strongly urges applicants to access www.grantsolutions.gov or www.grants.gov as soon as possible in order to obtain a username and password to submit your application. For more information, please see DRL’s Proposal Submission Instructions (PSI), updated in November 2012, available at http://www.state.gov/j/drl/p/c12302.htm.


DRL invites organizations to submit proposals outlining program concepts and capacity to manage the following project:

DRL’s goal is to address religious tensions and violence in Nigeria. With religiously motivated violence escalating in Plateau and Middle Belt states, religious tension in other parts of the country and the upcoming Presidential elections in February 2015, there is a need for conflict mitigation and violence prevention strategies to avert widespread violence. This program is aimed at addressing the atmosphere of ethno-sectarian tension and potential violence that could occur in the run up to and immediately following the elections. Activities could include, but not to be limited to: identifying and working in areas most likely to break into conflict post-election; voter education that fosters mutual respect and non-violence; inter-religious dialogue to mitigate election-related violence; supporting the cooperation of police ,security forces and citizens working together to find methods to mitigate violence and build peace. Participants should reflect religious, ethnic, and gender diversity.

The program may also include a component to increase the organizational capacity of partner CSOs in Nigeria.


Please refer directly to DRL’s posted Proposal Submission Instructions (PSI), updated in November 2012, available at http://www.state.gov/j/drl/p/c12302.htm.

Faxed, couriered, or emailed documents will not be accepted at any time. Applicants must follow all formatting instructions in this document and the Proposal Submission Instructions (PSI).

To ensure all applications receive a balanced evaluation, the DRL Review Committee will review the first page of the requested section up to the page limit and no further. DRL encourages organizations to use the given space effectively.

An organization may submit no more than one proposal.

Technically eligible submissions are those which: 1) arrive electronically via www.grantsolutions.gov or www.grants.gov by June 2, 2014 before 11:30 p.m. Eastern Standard Time (EST); 2) heed all instructions contained in the solicitation document and Proposal Submission Instructions (PSI), including length and completeness of submission; and 3) do not violate any of the guidelines stated in the solicitation and this document.

It is the responsibility of all applicants to ensure that proposals have been received by www.grantsolutions.gov or www.grants.gov in their entirety. DRL bears no responsibility for data errors resulting from transmission or conversion processes.

NOTE: In order to process final awards, approved applicants will need to register with www.grantsolutions.gov.


The Bureau anticipates awarding grants in the third quarter of FY 2014 (according to the USG fiscal year calendar). Programs that leverage resources from funds internal to the organization or other sources, such as public-private partnerships, will be highly considered. Projects that have a strong academic, research, conference, or dialogue focus will not be deemed competitive. DRL strongly discourages health, technology, or science- related projects unless they have an explicit component related to the requested program objectives listed above. Projects that focus on commercial law or economic development will be rated as non-competitive. Projects may include a gender-based violence component, but should not be aimed solely at countering gender-based violence. Cost sharing is strongly encouraged, and cost sharing contributions should be outlined in the proposal budget and budget narrative.

DRL will not consider proposals that reflect any type of support for any member, affiliate, or representative of a designated terrorist organization, whether or not elected members of government.

The information in this solicitation is binding and may not be modified by any Bureau representative. Explanatory information provided by the Bureau that contradicts this language will not be binding. Issuance of the solicitation does not constitute an award commitment on the part of the Government. The Bureau reserves the right to reduce, revise, or increase proposal budgets in accordance with the needs of the program evaluation requirements.

This request for proposals will appear on www.grantosolutions.gov or www.grants.gov and DRL’s website, www.state.gov/j/drl.


Should you have any questions regarding the solicitation, please feel free to contact Jennifer Cohen at CohenJM2@state.gov . Once the deadline has passed, State Department officials and staff - both in the Bureau and at embassies overseas - may not discuss this competition with applicants until the entire proposal review process is completed.

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