The Department of Chemical Engineering, Biotechnology and Environmental Technology, Faculty of Engineering, University of Southern Denmark is seeking a highly motivated graduate for a PhD position within our Life Cycle Research group. The fellowship will be established within the research training program "Energy and Environmentally Efficient Technologies". The Life Cycle group The successful applicant will join our international Life Cycle research group. The group is acknowledged for its unique research in Life Cycle Engineering and systems integration, applying a holistic understanding and global view on the sustainable development, optimization and integration of key sectors such as agriculture, energy, industry and waste management under present and future framework conditions. The group was founded seven years ago and has been steadily growing. Today we count ten researchers from six countries and are about to expand again with a round of six new employments. We are engaged in a large number of strategic research projects within five core areas: Carbon management & Bioresources; Waste & resource management; Energy system analysis & design; Product assessment & design; Water & Cleantech in industry. Our research is mainly externally funded by a large variety of sources from EU projects, national strategic research projects, sector research projects (e.g. the Danish EPA and Energy Agency) to private company projects and NGO projects. The PhD fellow will work under the supervision of Prof. Henrik Wenzel and co-supervision of Dr. Lorie Hamelin. Additional co-supervisors may be added upon agreement as the employment starts. The PhD fellow in Carbon Management & Bioresources The focus of this PhD study is on biogas from anaerobic digestion, seen in the perspective of establishing a sustainable strategy for the future Danish energy and agricultural systems. Aspects such as the role biogas can play in an optimized renewable energy system in Denmark, the environmental consequences of different feedstocks, the type of upgrading, the interactions with various configurations of the energy system, the use of the gas as well as the use of the digestate will be studied. Other strategic aspects such as the framework conditions favoring centralized and decentralized biogas plants will also be assessed, as well as the consequences of different biogas strategies on soil carbon development. Because of the specific Danish context, manure is expected to be an important feedstock for the future biogas production in Denmark, in co-digestion with other substrates. The main methodologies to be applied are consequential life cycle assessment (LCA) as well as energy system analysis. The aim of the PhD project is to contribute to: • Advances in the LCA methodology, in particular with regards to the holistic integration of agricultural systems and energy systems in consequential LCA models; • Understanding of the environmental, economic and socio-economic consequences of various future biogas concepts, including uncovering the dependency on future framework conditions; • Quantify, with regards to sustainability (including impacts on soil C changes), the importance of localization when biogas is a component of the renewable energy system; • Understanding of the optimal energy system configurations to integrate a maximum/ minimum of biogas;
The PhD fellow is expected to:
• Successfully complete a study programme corresponding to 30 ECTS • Participate in teaching and dissemination activities corresponding to approx. one semester of full time employment • Carry out an external research stay • Complete a PhD thesis including scientific peer-reviewed articles • Defend his PhD work in a public PhD defence The PhD fellow is, from the beginning of the employment, expected to be affiliated to the following projects in our ongoing research activities: • SYMBIO: Integration of biomass and wind power for biogas enhancement and upgrading via hydrogen assisted anaerobic digestion, see • GR3: European project uncovering the potential and environmental consequences of using residual grass as a resource for key bioenergy pathways throughout Europe, see • Energy plan Funen: Research into the strategic development of the energy and transport sectors in the region of Funen with a special focus on local and regional solutions to bioenergy, see • Hydrotech: Commercializing hydrogen technologies. A feasibility and system integration study for the advancement and commercialization of hydrogen technologies, see Qualifications and skills The PhD fellowship requires an M.Sc. degree in Environmental Engineering or related disciplines or alternatively the completion of the first year of M.Sc. study with very high grades and/or other special academic merits. The applicant must either have English as their native language, or alternatively be able to pass an English language test at the level demanded by University of Southern Denmark, Faculty of Engineering (minimum scores: IELTS 6.5 points; Paper-based TOEFL 575 points; Computer based TOEFL 230, Internet-based TOEFL 88 points). The applicant should demonstrate research potential as reflected by for instance the grades obtained and the master's thesis. Good knowledge on biogas and on the environmental issues related to biomass management is desirable and some knowledge on Life Cycle Assessment and Energy System Analysis is an advantage. For more information please contact Prof. Henrik Wenzel (, or Dr. Lorie Hamelin ( Application, salary, etc. Employment as a PhD Research Fellow is for three years – expected to start August 1st, 2014. The employment involves teaching obligations and stops automatically at the end of the period. The holder of the Fellowship is not allowed to have other paid employment during the period. The successful applicant will be employed in accordance with the Protocol on PhD Research Fellows signed by the Danish Ministry of Finance and AC (the Danish Confederation of Professional Associations) the 26th of March 2012, enclosure 5, Cirkulære om overenskomst for Akademikere i staten 2013. The university encourages all persons interested in the position to apply, regardless of their age, gender, religious affiliation or ethnic background. Applications must be submitted electronically using the link below. Attached files must be in Adobe PDF or Word format. The Faculty expects applicants to read the information "How to apply" before applying. Each box can only contain a single file of max. 10 Mb. Applications must include:
• Detailed CV • List of publications (if any) • Copy of diploma including curriculum with list of courses and grades • Application form available here • At least three contacts persons as references • A letter stating your specific interest, motivation and qualifications for the project in question (max. two pages) (submit under "other relevant material") • A brief proposal for a study plan (2 pages max) (submit under "project description") Additional information may be requested, and the application process may include an interview before the final decision is made. Further information about the PhD study can be found at the homepage of the University. Incomplete applications and applications received after the deadline will neither be considered nor evaluated. This also applies to reference letters. |