[wanabidii] [GazaArk] Gaza's Ark returns to the water; the value of small donors

Saturday, February 08, 2014
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Gaza's Ark returns to the water
the value of small donors


Dear Friends;

We are pleased to announce that Gaza's Ark is now back in the water*, having had its hull thoroughly cleaned, overhauled and painted. Well done to the boat building team in Gaza!

* see video here: http://www.gazaark.org/2014/02/06/video-gazas-ark-returns-to-the-water/
* and photos here: http://www.gazaark.org/category/ark-photo-album/

Next on the refurbishing list comes the plumbing and electrical work.
The plumbing has already been provided for by an organization in California. Now we need to raise $7,000 for the electrical system.
Previous attempts to break the siege of Gaza have succeeded not only because of large donations from individuals and organizations, but also because of numerous small donations, without which the trips would never have happened. If 1,000 people donated $5 - $10, we could cover the cost of the electrical work in full. Would you like to be one of those 1,000 people?
If so, please click here: http://www.gazaark.org/donate/
We can accomplish so much when small actions are done in solidarity.

Gaza’s Ark Steering Committee

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