[Mabadiliko] Full-time campus-based master's – Tanzania

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Full-time campus-based master's – Tanzania

The University of Manchester is offering four scholarships for full-time master's courses to applicants from Tanzania starting in September 2014. The scholarships cover full tuition fees, return international air fares and living expenses.


The scholarships are aimed at academically excellent, young professionals with work experience. Applicants must:

  • be a resident citizen of Tanzania and have not previously studied abroad;
  • hold a first or upper second class undergraduate degree;
  • have a minimum of two years relevant work experience;
  • be committed to returning home and able to demonstrate his/her potential to make a positive impact on the future of Tanzania;
  • have achieved a grade C in English Language at Tanzania Certificate of Secondary Education level; or, have a minimum IELTS result of 6.5, or a minimum TOEFL result of 88-89. Please note that some programmes may require a higher language qualification so please check the programme website for more details.


Scholarships are available in a wide range of subjects including Engineering, Environment, Medical and Life Sciences, and Textiles.

How to apply

Applications for September 2014 are now open. 

It is not necessary to have an offer of admission to apply for the scholarship. Scholarships are only available for the master's courses specified on the list. The deadline for applications is Friday, 28 February. Please note that incomplete applications will not be considered.

Please email equityandmerit@manchester.ac.uk with any enquiries.

Stay up to date

Hear the latest updates and announcements by checking our Equity and Merit Facebook page.

Read more http://www.manchester.ac.uk/international/finance/equity-and-merit/campus-masters-tanzania/

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