Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Greetings from REPOA


Recently we sent  you an online questionnaire on REPOA dissemination strategy and we would like to take this opportunity to thank you for taking your precious time to respond to our survey. We have taken note of your responses and will feed into our improvement on how we disseminate the research findings.


We would like to have more insight on the following question you responded to during the survey: In what ways have you applied the publications you’ve received from REPOA?


We would like to know more for those who said the publications has in some way influenced development of policies and for those who said that it has supported them in their academics. If you have used REPOA publications for any of the two above (i.e. policy and/or academically), kindly share with us the title of the policy or academic paper for our monitoring purposes.


Thank you so much for your support.


Best regards


Hannah Mwandoloma

Communications Officer



REPOA, undertakes and facilitates research, conducts and coordinates training, and promotes dialogue and development of policy for pro-poor growth and poverty reduction.

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