Vihiga witch confesses her sins before going crazy
Updated Monday, October 28th 2013 at 09:04 GMT +3By ERIC LUNGAI
An old woman in Vihiga County is paying heavily for her past sins after they began haunting her.
It all began when she claimed that at night as she sleeps, unknown people have been surrounding her bed with crude weapons giving her sleepless nights.
Residents who spoke to this writer revealed that one late night, she, bolted out of her house at a very dangerous speed unexpected from a woman of her age.
Despite her insisting that a fast-paced killer was in hot pursuit, witnesses claimed nobody was chasing her. Her neighbours are up in arms over what they term disruption of their good sleep.
They say in the evenings, disruptive noise of stones and pebbles hurled on her rooftop interfere with their sleep.
This causes a lot of noise to them and they cannot even sleep comfortably. The puzzling bit about the whole story is that those throwing the stones cannot be seen.
These bizarre occurrences have forced the embattled woman to expose her long kept dark secrets. She has revealed how she has been collecting items belonging to her neigbours and later kept them in a pot where her pet snake made a bedding of them.
By the serpent sleeping on the items, their owners suffered different disasters.
She went on to name a long list of the people she had dispatched to the other world. "I started all this by killing my husband," she revealed.
Gob smacked
True to her word, when five strong men lowered the pot from where she had kept it, many people were left gob smacked. Many items were fished out from it, ranging from money, tattered and dirty pants, human hair, pieces of cloth, papers, soil, among others.
This came as a shocker to her pastor and members of her church where she is known to be one of the most devout members.
People were moved to tears when they saw all the items that had been pulled out of the pot. A young man who recently lost his job in Nairobi, nearly struck the woman with a machete, were it not the timely intervention of an elderly man who restrained him.
The young man claimed she borrowed from him fifty shillings, and after he handed her the note; he lost his job under unclear circumstances. Ever since, his efforts to get gainful employment have been in futility.
He was not the only casualty to the woman's wrath. Many other victims stepped forward.
The woman was forced by the angry villagers to burn the items in everyone's presence and to denounce any spell that she had cast onto other people.
The angry mob was baying for her blood by requesting for an opportunity to lynch her to death. Elderly people in the crowd requested the mob to be patient with her.
To the shock of many, as the debate whether to lynch her or not raged on, the woman stripped and began running all over the place.
Her embarrassed daughters had a rough time tracking her to bring her back home.
Reliable sources confirmed to the Crazy Monday that her body has since turned pale and has scales akin to those of a crocodile.
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