[Mabadiliko] Internship (f/m) – Life Cycle Assessment / Sustainability Assessment / Environmental Impact / Ecological Impact / Input-Output Analysis

Wednesday, November 06, 2013

Internship (f/m) – Life Cycle Assessment / Sustainability Assessment / Environmental Impact / Ecological Impact / Input-Output Analysis


German Institute of Food Technologies (DIL e.V.) is an innovation food related research company, which cooperates with 150 companies and universities around the world. The Intern position is offered in Bioeconomy department, the youngest and the most progressing in sustainability part of the company.




Life Cycle Assessment / Sustainability group focuses on the research related with impact assessment of food production along their life cycle and food technologies. Various assessments are used (LCA, LCIA, Eco footprint, Water footprint, LCSA).


Our requirements:

-         Workability and communication abilities are essential.

-         Previous work and/or educational experience in Life Cycle Assessment and/or Environmental (Ecological, Water, Energy etc.) Impact Assessment, Input-Output Analysis.

-         Possible (but not limited to) background (engineering, environment, economy, agriculture, food science)

-         Good English communication and scientific writing skills

-         Experience with LCA software (SimaPro, OpenLCA etc.) will be greatly valued


-         Economic and Social analysis skills is a plus

-         German communication abilities is a plus

-         Published papers is a plus



-         LCA and impact assessment of food production and bioeconomy issues

-         Participation in ongoing projects and papers publishing


We provide:

-         a varied work environment in an international team with various backgrounds

-         result oriented supervision

-         accommodation support



Please send your application papers (cover letter, CV, references) via email to Sergiy Smetana (s.smetana@dil-ev.de)

P.S. The position is available until it is filled.

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