[wanabidii] Royal Media's WAWERU MBURU Labels UHURU KENYATTA As The Worst And Selfish

Monday, October 28, 2013

On Monday, October 28, 2013 9:11 PM, Evans MACHERA <evansmachera@yahoo.com> wrote:
Yes ndugu Kirario.
When people live in denial, they engage in sideshows away from the truth. In this forums of debate, we have not been different either -insults replace reason for some due to political and tribal affiliation to serve arrow interests.
Its not lost that parliament failed to establish a local mechanism to address the can or warms of the 2007/08 P.E.V. and the song was clear that lets go to the Hague and do not be Vague.
The then parliament in 2009 enacted "The International Crimes Act No16 of 2009" to be read with the Rome Statute and The Constitution on the Hague cases.
We have only Mburu who calls a spade a spade the likes of whom we lack here (the devide notwithstanding) for insights about ICC. Instead, we have seen the likes of Matsansa fumble on or about the way forward on issues that face us as a Sovereign independent state that willfully ratified the Rome Statute hence became a member. The AU has nothing to show case other than a chorus not knowing that tomorrow, we may not play to the proposals of AU just like 39 African States failed to attend the recent AU meet in Addis Ababa.
If we debated soberly and looked at peace and justice for both the accused and P.E.V Victims while noting that the accused are innocent till proven guilty, ICC couldn't exhibit fear to the extent of some Kenyans pledging to block the president from attending a personal challenge about the charges at the ICC.
Therefore,to have personalities like Matsansa who fumbles than to debate and AU Resolutions that do not have the inputs of the P.E.V victims and the wishes of the Kenyans,them Mburu deserves more airtime in our studios and other open forums.
International Law is Law.
On Monday, October 28, 2013 6:46 PM, khaguli maurice <mkhaguli@yahoo.com> wrote:

That's the bitter truth!! He is a killer suspect using state to protect the worst nightmare to be known.
We stand to emphasize the truth, truth is one!

On Mon, Oct 28, 2013 8:40 AM PDT jalkani@yahoo.com wrote:

>This is the plain truth. To Uhuru supporters it's ok to kill people then run for presidency to protect yourself. This guy is spot on.
>Sent via BlackBerry by AT&T
>-----Original Message-----
>From: mark kirario <mkirario.088@gmail.com>
>Sender: kenyaonline@yahoogroups.com
>Date: Mon, 28 Oct 2013 17:35:27
>To: <progressive-kenyans@googlegroups.com>; wanakenya@googlegroups com<wanakenya@googlegroups.com>; <uchunguzionline@yahoogroups.com>; <changemombasa2012@yahoogroups.com>; Kiswahili@yahoogroups com<Kiswahili@yahoogroups.com>; KOL<kenyaonline@yahoogroups.com>; africa-oped@yahoogroups com<africa-oped@yahoogroups.com>
>Reply-To: kenyaonline@yahoogroups.com
>Subject: [KOL] Fwd: Royal Media's WAWERU MBURU Labels UHURU KENYATTA As The Worst
> And Selfish
> Thursday, 17 October 2013 9 comments
>Waweru Mburu is arguably the fiercest,most controversial,fearless and
>critical political analyst in Kenya who can take on any issue or politician
>without mincing his words.
>His political analysis show *Yaliyotendeka* is peoples favourite with
>millions of listeners. Waweru in his impartial nature has taken shots on
>nearly all the leading politicians in the country.
>His famous opening line."...hujambo msikilizaji na karibu kwa
>yaliyotendeka,Leo hii nimewaandalia makala maalum......" Is memorable
>amongst his followers. He broadcasts on Citizen radio and recently upgraded
>to appear on *Cheche* also a political analysis show on Citizen TV.
>In the latest episode of Yaliyotendeka,the ruthless analyst has taken on
>the President heads on,this comes in the awake of unending attempts to
>suspend his cases before the ICC.
>In summary here is what Waweru said;
>•Kenyatta went to Addis Ababa to discuss his personal issues and not
>welfare of Kenya as acountry.
>•It is now evident that Kenyatta wanted to become president so as to manage
>his personal problems he has in Hague. Kenyans were not in his agenda.
>•Most of African countries are poor because they always have pathetic
>leaders, the only stable countries are Kenya, Nigeria, Egypt, south Africa
>and Ghana,that is why Kenya has managed to convince others to back Kenya on
>ICC issues but soon Kenya will collapse because it is having the worst
>leadership ever.
>•I agree Uhuru is my president but i always feel ashamed to say so.
>•Kenya currently is a laughingstock in the eyes ofinternational community
>for being led by twosuspects.
>•He finished by saying that he is sorry forKenyans to have such people as
>their leaders.
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