J. J. Myoya
On Tuesday, October 22, 2013 9:00 PM, Deborah Motuku <debbymotuku@gmail.com> wrote:
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Deborah Motuku <debbymotuku@gmail.com>
Date: Tue, Oct 22, 2013 at 8:00 PM
Subject: Fwd: Cancer causing maize in SA.
To: tlakales@webmail.co.za
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Louis Smith <louisbaldeagle@gmail.com>
Date: Sun, Oct 20, 2013 at 6:39 PM
Subject: Cancer causing maize in SA.
To: South Africa Transvaal <brigid.packett@telkomsa.net>, Diedre Brits <alfa@propharm.co.za>, Alf Chomse <alf.chomse@nsn.com>, John & Petro Chomse <achiever@telkomsa.net>, Christiaan Greyling <cpgreyling@telkomsa.net>, Dirk & Esther Du Plooy <80p@telkomsa.net>, Pieter Engelbrecht <pieter@superspaar.co.za>, Essob Hanifa <hanifasal@yahoo.com>, Lynn Johanisburg Ferriman <lynnferriman@eject.co.za>, Johan Greyling <jdgreyling@vodamail.co.za>, Marie Greyling <mariegreyling@telkomsa.net>, Jim Strickland <jim.s@telkomsa.net>, Vuyisilo Kap <vkapan@ifc.org>, Andre & Maggie <xlentnw@yahoo.com>, Padi Debra Motuku <debbymotuku@gmail.com>, Guideman Mbinyashe <Guideman.Mbinyashe@eskom.co.za>, Wilma Nolan <wnolan@sars.gov.za>, Raymond Wylde <raymond.wylde@gmail.com>, Sarel Venter <sgventer22@gmail.com>, Tania Blignaut <Tania.Blignaut@kellygroup.co.za>, Marinette Brits Van Heerden <mrnttvanheerden@gmail.com>, Pieter Brits van Heerden <pwvheerden@lantic.net>, Volker Drewes <vdrewes@iafrica.com>, "Victor J. van Vuuren" <cvj23@yahoo.co.uk>, Vuyisile Reuben Kapan <VKapan@ifc.org>, Mari New vander Westhuizen <acquarius.mari@telkomsa.net>, Brenda du Plessis <region.ga@picardirebel.co.za>, Denise Swanepoel <deniseswan0@gmail.com>, Lorraine Taylor <lorraine@watsonferris.co.za>, South Africa Natal <earl@truerock.co.za>, Annette Roetz <annette.roetz1@gmail.com>, Linda Boet Office <office@saiss.co.za>, "Helen Port Edward Botha." <helenbotha@webmail.co.za>, Hafiza Bux <sbux1257@hotmail.com>, chantel carstens <cgcarstens@gmail.com>, Heather Mc Duling <hmcduling@telkomsa.net>, Louwtjie South coast Hattingh <louwqh@gmail.com>, Bradley Houart <bcjhouart@gmail.com>, Don & Audrey Human <donaud@lantic.net>, Michele Defilippi <shellsdefilippi@hotmail.com>, moosa manjra <djfoofita@yahoo.com>, Erika Mynhardt <jerikat@telkomsa.net>, Ron Lotz <ronl@telkomsa.net>, South Africa EC <bruce.simon@impilo.ecprov.gov.za>, Hilton Val Carr <hiltonval.carr@vodamail.co.za>, Mary-Jane Smith <maryjane.smithy@gmail.com>, Robert Smith <rmhsmith@gmail.com>, Ferdie & Esme Rhoode <rhoode@iafrica.com>, Doempie <doempie1@absamail.co.za>, Brian & Estelle Evans <brianestel@venturenet.co.za>, Aldo and Zonobia Frans <zlf@stoneconnection.com>, Garrick Laverock <garrick.laverock@gmail.com>, Colin & Felicity Hamilton-Smith <felcol@informsa.co.za>, Jos & Viola Janse Van Vuuren <Viola.JanseVanVuuren@lifehealthcare.co.za>, Gorden Penny Else <penngor@gmail.com>, South Africa W Cape <keith@gsps.co.za>, Chris & Barbara Cowley <barbara.cowley@gmail.com>, Florie Pape <florie@telkomsa.net>, Hercules & Sannie Calitz <calitzh@telkomsa.net>, Herman Janse van Rensburg <addrupdate-428909-40127615--1246687834-1SH@mx.plaxo.com>, Sheila Hoffman <SHoffman@crystalcruises.com>, Don & Laurette Holgate <holgate@absamail.co.za>, Michael Janse Vanrensburg <michaeljvrensburg@gmail.com>, Lister Rayner <lrayner@uwc.ac.za>, Gordon & Michelle Roodt <mgroodt@gmail.com>, Ron November <ronnovember@telkomsa.net>, Tony & Yvette Robinson <usaafrica@cox.net>, Buddy <buddy@refsols.co.za>, Webson Sibanda <Websonsibanda@yahoo.com>, Norman Vavier C <normanvivier@gmail.com>
GMO shock for South Africa
Help! Please add your name to a petition to stop "Agent Orange GMO maize" being imported and planted in South Africa.
The newsletter email I've just received explains the dangers…
"Dear David
We write to share with you the grave and shocking news that the GMO decision making body has given the green light for the importation of Dow Chemical's highly controversial 2,4-D tolerant GM maize (variety DAS 40278-9) into South Africa, where it will be used as food.
Unlike in the US, South Africans would be consuming this maize, putting the health of the entire South African population at risk and placing further burden on an already burdened healthcare system.
2,4-D was one of two active ingredients in the infamous chemical weapon, 'Agent Orange', used to devastating effect during the Vietnam war.
Exposure to 2,4-D has been linked to non-Hodgkin's lymphoma, a cancer of the white blood cells. We certainly don't want that in our morning cereal!
Epidemiologists from the National Cancer Institute in the USA regard this link as the strongest association yet found between a pesticide and a disease.
Dozens of human and animal studies have shown 2,4-D to cause birth defects, neurological damage, and interference with reproductive function.
The use of 2,4-D in Sweden, Norway and Denmark is banned because of these well publicised links.
We are angry and we are afraid for the future of South Africa. We need to act urgently for the banning of Agent Orange Maize in South Africa. We have created a Petition on Avaaz. David, will you please sign it , share it on your personal social networks and email contacts? Spread the word in any way you can. We simply can't afford to let Agent Orange GM Maize into South Africa.
As always, we are most grateful for your support.
Mariam and Zakiyya
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