[Mabadiliko] Mother-Daughter fight over a Man !!!!

Monday, October 21, 2013
I'm sorry folks but this one is too sweet not to share. I found the story both funny and sad. Here it is:


Mother and daughter fight for young posho mill operator

Updated Sunday, October 20th 2013 at 21:14 GMT +3


Residents of Kipindige in Bomet were recently left in shock when it emerged that a young man was not only operating a posh mill, but also his employer and her daughter, when the two females physically squared it out in public.


The woman who had been retrenched from one of the state corporations ten years ago is businesswoman at the local Kapindege shopping centre where she runs a small shop and the only posho mill at the centre. She has always employed virile-looking young men to work at her posho mill while she runs an adjacent small shop.

A neighbour claims she has hired and fired countless number of men at her posho mill, leaving many people wondering what could be the reason behind her employees' short stints.

"She always gets these strong looking young men from far and we never knew the reason until Chosii, the latest of the posho mill operator, came in," her neighbour revealed.

Chosii apparently has stayed for far longer than all the other previous operators.

The witnesses whispered to this writer that the reason for his longer stay has been because of outstanding performance in 'other services' besides his job description until recently when her daughter, Chemu, in her early 20s, began came into the picture.

Chemu convinced her mother to stay at home and relax saying being young, she would attract more clients. However, when Chemu took over the business, she got more access to Chosii and the fringe benefits he extended to her mum.

Pants down

Of course Chemu's mother soon got wind of the affair through the village grapevine and launched investigations. She discovered that Chemu had made a habit of 'serving' Chosii during afternoons when the shop and posho mill were not busy.

During one such time, Chemu's mother made an impromptu visit to the shopping centre and caught the two pants down.

The drama that ensued left many residents perplexed. The elderly woman went for her daughter's neck but her daughter fought back, leaving villagers shocked. The free entertainment was accompanied by exchange of unprintable insults between mother and daughter.

"I've only taken Chosii and you are now fighting me, yet you've always taken all the other operators that have served in this posho mill, and I never complained!" Chemu shouted as she fought her mother.

Manner less

But her mother kept saying "Chesing'a! Chesing'a (a female fool)" as they fought.

It took the intervention of older women in the crowd to end the fight with Chemu's mum being ridiculed for being, in their words, the mannerless fool.

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