Monday, October 28, 2013
The Muhimbili University of Health and Allied Sciences (MUHAS) announces its second scientific conference that will be organized with support from Sida (Sweden) and other development  partners.
We welcome all researchers, local and international, working in various areas of health to share  their research findings with other stakeholders in this conference.

The Conference will be held at the Muhimbili University of Health and Allied Sciences (MUHAS) campus, Dar es Salaam  from the 14
th – 16 th May 2014.

Conference Theme: Health Research, Training  and Innovation for Sustainable Development 

Registration and submission of abstract should be done electronically. Registration should be done via MUHAS website at  www.conference.muhas.ac.tz., which will be available from the 
30th of November 2013

Abstract presentation is not a prerequisite for attending the conference. On submitting the abstract, provide registration information to the Secretary Scientific Committee, Dr. G.  Frumence (frumencegasto@yahoo.co.uk) and copy it to the Chairperson Scientific Committee, Dr. D. Mloka (dmloka@muhas.ac.tzdmloka@yahoo.com). 
Deadline for submission of abstract is 18 th January 2014.
Please find the conference announcement in the attached document


Tandi E. Lwoga (PhD),
Directorate of Library Services,
Muhimbili University of Health and Allied Sciences, 
Dar es salaam, Tanzania
Alternative email: tlwoga@muhas.ac.tz

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