[wanabidii] [GazaArk] URGENT: Ask Egypt to stop suffocating Gaza

Wednesday, September 18, 2013
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Ask Egypt to stop suffocating Gaza

** please forward to anyone who you think may be interested **


Since July 3 of this year, the Egyptian authorities have closed the Rafah border crossing with Gaza in the face of Palestinian travelers, most of the time. At the same time, the Egyptian authorities have destroyed most of the tunnels upon which the Palestinians of Gaza rely for vital supplies. Together with the Israeli blockade, this closure results in collective punishment of the entire 1.7 million population of Gaza.

Gaza's Ark and the Freedom Flotilla Coalition urge you to call, email, 
fax and/or visit the Egyptian embassy or consulate* closest to you and demand (please be firm but diplomatic) that:

The Egyptian authorities STOP enforcing the Israeli blockade of Gaza and OPEN the Rafah crossing in both directions for all peaceful purposes, including full commercial traffic, especially fuel.

We also encourage you to sign and share the following petition from the International Campaign to #OpenRafahBorder

* You can find the contact info of the Egyptian embassies and consulates through these links:

Gaza's Ark Steering Committee

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