[Mabadiliko] Sauti ya Mnyonge

Sunday, August 25, 2013
Today was a day for me to sit back and reflect upon my life and the friends I've lost along the way. One of those friends is Remy (or Lemi as he used to say it) Ongala. He played at the Toronto Habourfront Stadium  in 1989 and this song made me cry.

Please listen to it with me:

Sauti ya Mnyonge by Lemi Ongala and Matimila Jazz ya Dalislaam.


I really miss my very good buddy Remy. I'll never forget that August 1989 when the band stayed at my house on Dufferin Street for 2 days and all we did was roast meat and drink. It was a humble and simple house but they preferred it over the Hilton Hotel that we had earlier booked for them. They smoked some things too !!!!  No need to go there.

Sura mbaya, Mola akurehemu milele.


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