[wanabidii] Tanzania Youth Vision Association Newsletter

Sunday, July 14, 2013

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July 2013


Greetings from TYVA! We hope you are doing well and great in the log run to bring development to our societies. Here at TYVA we have been carrying a number of activities and have been planning many other,too, for this upcoming month of August and the rest of the yeah. 

Here below are some of the information we wish to let you know as we value your support and commitment towards youths in Tanzania.


Ndg. Vijana wenzangu na wanachana wa TYVA, Amani iwe kwenu! Nimeambatanisha nakala ya rasimu ya ombi la Vijana kuliomba Bunge letu la Tanzania kujadili ...


Juu ya ushiriki wa asasi ya vijana Tanzania (TYVA) katika Mikutano ya Kimataifa ya Vita dhidi ya Rushwa-3rd   Global Youth Anti-Corruption ...


Vijana wote wa TYVA na hususani wanachama, waliopo Arusha, Kilimanjaro, Dar es Salaam, Tanga, Zanzibar, Mbeya na mikoa mingine mnaombwa...

Upcoming Projects

Sanitation- Elimu Bora, Vyoo Bora Project  Elimu Bora Vyoo Bora Project targets to improve sanitation in secondary schools.  The project aims to reach secondary school students in...

TBC TV/Radio shows

Throughout this year, we have been involved in "Ndio Mambo", a radio show at TBC FM that mainly involves issues on youths. Every last Saturday of the month, we have been sending 2-5 TYVA members to the concert.

Not on that that, in 14th June three TYVA made a live TBC1 show presentation on the Day of African Child. The members namely Given Edward, Bernadetha Mshana and Kelvin Lymo made their 1-hour presentation live at 9pm Sunday.

TYVA in East Africa Community

On May this year, TYVA's vice president Naamala Samson attended the East Africa Council Students Union (EACSU) Conference that was held in Arusha, Tanzania. EASU Conference brought together more than 200 students from Higher Learning Institutions in East Africa and Naamala Samson presented a paper on "YOUTH AND GOVERNANCE IN EAST AFRICA".


FIC Partnership

A partnership has been developed between FIC, a Danish organization and Tanzania Youth Vision Association based in Dar es salaam with the aim of developing and strengthening the individual organization and create a foundation for a future cooperation among the youth organizations in Dar es salaam towards improved employment conditions and influence of the youth in Dar es salaam. 
The three organizations namely Tanzania Youth Vision Association (TYVA), Open Mind Tanzania (OMT) and Youth for Africa(YOA) are expected to participate in joint capacity building activities and in turn, subsequently share responsibility of strengthening seven other organizations within the period between February, and December 2013.

Meeting in Denmark

On Friday 17th May 2013, the chaiperson of TYVA, Elly Ahimidiwe got an opportunity to represent TYVA to the meeting with our partners organization based in Denmark! Forum for International Cooperation -FIC! He had a chance to meet with the official from the management level at FIC.

Among many other agenda discussed from the meeting in relation to the current project the two organization see the need of the future cooperation in other youth related issues of national and international scope (in Tanzania and across African continent). As quoted from managing director "TYVA has the face to remain the only youth led organization in Tanzania that have and will bring youth together"

Monitoring and Evaluation Training - Bagamoyo

From 5th - 10th June this year, TYVA carried out a Monitoring and Evaluation training at Palm Tree Hotel - Bagamoyo. A total of 25 TYVA members were empowered with the skills and are ready to put them in action.The main aim of the training was to provide TYVA members with Monitoring and Evaluation skills as an effort to enhance continuity of leadership succession and their contribution on achievement of programs and projects conducted by TYVA. - See more at: http://tyvavijana.or.tz/monitoring-evaluation-training-from-tyva/

Featured in the Media!

 TYVA this year has made a big impression in the media! We have been featured in various newspapers as our work gets noticed by the nation. We have been featured in:- 

The Citizen ==>  http://www.thecitizen.co.tz/ News/Sort-out-Mainland-and-Isles-gov t-laws-first--call/-/1840392/1877400/-/bqn32u/-/index.html 

 - Mwananchi

 - The Guardian  

Stay up-to-dated with TYVA information as more events are about to happen. Upcoming is the TYVA DAY!


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Location: Sinza Africa sana, Dar es Salaam 

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