Wednesday, July 31, 2013

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Dear Business Partner,

What is the ATTITUDE of Performance Management in your Organisation? Do visions of tracking down incomplete appraisal forms come to mind? Are you faced with significant internal obstacles & resistance? More and more managers are becoming increasingly frustrated with the traditional annual employee appraisal cycle. They have limited time, they tend to fray Employee-Manager Relationships and they rarely help the organization reach its strategic objectives. What's wrong with the usual appraisal system? Managing Performance requires us to reconcile caring for and developing our people with ensuring that departmental and organisational aims are achieved. Managing performance requires us to strike a balance between compassion and accountability. Grayson Consulting will be conducting a 2 Day Seminar on Collaborative Performance Management on 15th & 16th August 2013 at Sheraton Kampala Hotel. 




Managing For Improved Performance

15th & 16th August, 2013 Sheraton Kampala Hotel

Grayson Consulting Invites You/Colleagues to Our Seminar Collaborative Performance Management for Managers & Supervisors;

Most often Managers view Performance Management as being primarily the end-of-year event. In truth, however, Performance Management is an ongoing, year-round function. The annual review is merely the culmination of the performance conversations that have been taking place throughout the year. Embedding Performance Management within your business and using it as a strategic business tool will drive productivity, engagement & compliance.  Consider what value it would bring if all of your people were completely focused on delivering against key business goals. Employees need evaluations they can believe, evaluations that are dictated by need, not a date on the calendar. They need evaluations that make them strive to improve, not pretend they are perfect.

Grayson Consulting will be conducting a 2 Day Seminar on Collaborative Performance Management on 15th & 16th August 2013 at Sheraton Kampala Hotel.  Organizations and individuals are under ever-increasing pressure and are now required to become even more effective and efficient, execute better on business strategy, and do more with less in order to remain competitive. Forward thinking companies are taking steps to equip Supervisors, HR Professionals and Line Managers with concepts, tools and skills to enhance the value of their organization's Performance Management process. They are implementing innovative solutions that ensure processes deliver real results and improve performance.

Course Objectives

At the end of the training participants will:

  • Understand the central role of leadership in performance management and the need to improve one's leadership skills
  • Plan individual and team goals in alignment with the organization's goals and help others see how their work connects to higher-level goals
  • Formalize and communicate clear and achievable annual performance goals for each individual
  • Provide specific feedback and explicit agreements about future actions
  • Provide work assignments that are challenging and developmental
  • Create a positive experience when reviewing progress
  • Provide feedback in the context of previously defined performance standards
  • Identify best practices for handling challenging situations in Performance Management.

Seminar Details
Date:                   15th & 16th August, 2013
Venue:                Sheraton Kampala Hotel
Charges:            USD 450 per participant

Who Should Attend?

This program is designed for; HR Managers, Hr Officers, Line Managers, Supervisors, Team Leaders, Business Unit Heads, Training Champions and other staff responsible for managing performance of staff


This program will be conducted in three phases. The methodology includes short lectures, short course videos, games, discussions, questions & answers session and real life case studies


  1. Organizations sponsoring more than 3 Participants have the 4th one attending FREE.
  2. Participants will be issued with Certificates of Participation on completion of the 2 day course.
  3. Fee covers all Training Materials/Reference Manuals, Certification; Give away, Teas, Snacks, Lunches and Refreshments.
  4. Book early for any of our upcoming courses and enjoy a 10% discount.



Transformational Leadership Skills Training 5th & 6th September, 2013 Sheraton Kampala Hotel

Essential Management & Leadership Skills for New Managers 3rd & 4th October, 2013 Sheraton Kampala Hotel



  • Self audit
  • The 5 qualities of Confident, Empowered People
  • Action Plan - Developing a check-list and action plan for self-development
  • The role of Leadership in Performance Management


Understanding Performance Management

  • What is Performance Management?
  • How does it Work?
  • Elements of Performance Management
  • The Challenges of Performance Management
  • Discussion; Identify Current Situation in your Work Place, What are the Gaps?
  • Action Plan – current vs. future state of your Performance Management System


Goal Setting & Action Planning

  • Understanding the Process & System of identifying Performance Objectives
  • How to write SMART Performance Objectives
  • Developing Action Plans
  • Activity – Writing Objectives, Team & Individual


Performance Motivation

  • Using Positive Reinforcement Effectively
  • Selecting and Giving Reinforcement
  • Giving Recognition


Managing Performance:

  • The value of ongoing Performance Management
  • Evaluating progress and achievement
  • Maintaining flexibility to business change
  • Recognising and closing Performance Gaps
  • Revising Standards


Performance Coaching

  • Analysing Performance Deficiencies
  • Guidelines for Effective Coaching
  • Balancing Positive and Negative Consequences


Having Difficult Conversations with Employees, Peer & Managers

  • What are difficult Conversations?
  • Why do we avoid having them?
  • Conducting the Conversations
  • Activity - Case Study and Role Play to Practice


Performance Management and Discipline

  • The meaning of discipline
  • Principles of disciplinary action
  • The purpose of disciplinary action/consequences
  • The progressive discipline step


The 360 Feedback

  • What is 360 Feedback?
  • When to Use 360 Feedback?
  • How to Manage the Process with your Organisation
  • Reviewing & Communication Feedback
  • Activity – 360 Feedback vs. Traditional Review Performances


Managing Change in Performance Improvement

  • Context of change: change drivers
  • Change as an opportunity and contributor to improved performance
  • Change process: The business of paradigms
  • Enhancing change acceptance: Communicating for change
  • Planning change: Involvement
  • Managing resistance: Common causes of failure

 Action Planning Session

At Individual level:

§  The things I should continue doing

§  The things I should stop doing

§  The things I should start doing

(As managers, based on what has been covered in the seminar)







To book, respond to this email or send us an Email at info@graysoncl.com
You can also book online by clicking here
Contact Ken on the contact shown here below for further information regarding this Seminar.

Grayson Consulting Ltd
View Park Towers 16th Floor
Tel: 020 261 7718 | 0770 991 893 | 0717 969 720
info@graysoncl.com | ken@graysoncl.com




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