Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Dear Business Partner,        

Ineffective, misaligned, and outdated employment policies, processes, and practices negatively affect an organization's employee relations, public reputation, employment brand, competitiveness and can significantly threaten the bottom line. A healthy HR function in an organization is as important as the physical and mental well being of a human body. In response to these threats, top management, and HR professionals are increasingly using HR audits as a management tool to assess alignment, to ensure compliance, to reduce the exposure to employment related liabilities, and improve the value of the organization's human capital




Linking HR Systems and Services to Organizational Objectives

8th & 9th August, 2013 Nairobi Safari Club

Grayson Consulting Invites You/Colleagues to Our Seminar Auditing HR Processes;

To legitimize the claim of being "business partners", HR professional must clearly demonstrate how HR services can accomplish the business objectives set forth by the organization. The HR function is often overlooked for audits, to assess its effectiveness and legal regulatory compliance. However, the HR Audit is a process that sets the stage for a true transformation in HR strategy and services. It links HR systems and services to organizational objectives while focusing on the business needs of internal customers.

Grayson Consulting will be conducting a 2 Day Seminar on Auditing HR Processes on 8th & 9th August 2013 at Nairobi Safari Club. The historical role of Human Resources has changed dramatically since its inception in the early 1900s. What began as a primarily clerical function is now a strategic partner in planning and attaining organizational policies and goals. Today's business climate puts the onus on the HR department to accept the challenge of doing more with less, while contributing value toward business objectives. In today's environment, HR risks are becoming increasingly important to assess so organizations can strengthen controls. It is vitally important for HR to keep pace with the demands of dynamic business environments and legal frameworks.

Risks such as non-compliance with Labour Laws, inadequate recordkeeping, inappropriate compensation or benefit programs, or outdated policies can result in serious legal tussle for an organization. The HR audit is used to highlight areas of weakness, areas that can be improved and even areas where there are no policies or procedures. This course walks you through the audit process step-by-step, gives you hands on tools to accurately gauge strengths and weaknesses. You will go through each HR functional area and discuss risks and compliance issues

.Course Objectives

At the end of the training participants will;

  • Enhance their Understanding of HR Functions and Emerging Issues
  • Create an HR Business Plan
  • Streamline HR Work Processes
  • Learn How to Audit Several Complex HR Activities
  • Monitor Compliance with Established Regulations and Procedures
  • Develop User-Friendly HR Systems
  • Network with Colleagues & Professional Across Different Industries

Seminar Details


Date:                                    8th & 9th August, 2013
Venue:                                Nairobi Safari Club
Investment:                    KSH 40,500

Who Should Attend?

This program is designed for; HR Managers, Hr Officers, Line Managers, Supervisors, Team Leaders, Internal Auditors, Entrepreneurs and Business Owners, Administration Managers, Business Unit Heads, & Training Champions.


  • Organizations sponsoring more than 3 Participants have the 4th one attending FREE.
  • Participants will be issued with Certificates of Participation on completion of the 2 day course.
  • Fee covers all Training Materials/Reference Manuals, Certification; Give away, Teas, Snacks, Lunches and Refreshments


Performance Management 15th & 16th August, 2013 Kampala
Interdepartmental Service Level Agreement 22nd & 23rd August 2013



·         Why Conduct an HR Audit?

·         Audit Considerations

·         HR Risks

·         HR Emerging Issues


The HR Function - Building or Burning Bridges

·         Core Elements of The HR Function

·         HR Objectives, Risks, and Success Factors

·         Human resources - audit planning practices/resources


Statutory Compliance Audit

·         Verifying Employee Records

·         HR Process Compliance to Labor Law

Organizational Chart Audit

  • How Often Do You Review The Organisation Chart
  • Organisation Chart & Opportunities for Career Growth
  • Organisation Chart vs. Organisational Communication
  • Organisation Chart vs. Interdepartmental/Service Areas Cooperation
  • Organisation Chart vs. Overall Business Strategy & Purpose
  • Identifying the Components of a Good Organization Chart
  • Conducting a Proper Analysis of your Organization's Current Organization Chart


Employee Administration Process Audit

  • Probation Period Administration Process
  • Developing the Staff Performance Appraisal Process
  • Leave Record and Leave Administration Process
  • Payroll Administration Process Including Overtime Management
  • Ensuring Correct Calculation of Severance Pay
  • Compliance with Pension Fund Regulations


Recruitment and Selection Process Audit

·         The Current Workforce Planning & Budget Process

·         Recruitment Programs

·         Selection Process

·         Succession Planning

·         Turnover and Employee Relations


Employee Training and Development Audit

·         The Training Need Analysis

·         Training Design & Implementation

·         ROI on Training & Development

·         Evaluation Design

·         Counseling and Discipline

Compensation and Benefits Process Audit

·         Compensation Philosophy

·         The Organisation Total Compensation Plan

·         Benefits Administration


Employee Relations Audit

·         Employee Handbook

·         Employee Attitude Surveys

·         Employment Files

·         Employee Relations

·         Employee Fraud


Labor Relations Audit

·         Labor Relations

·         Unionization


Human Resources - Risk/Controls Evaluation

·         HR risk and control evaluation tools


Audit Program Design & Execution

·         Value-added audit objectives and results

·         Audit tools and techniques


To book, respond to this email or send us an Email at info@graysoncl.com
You can also book online by clicking here
Contact  on the contact shown here below for further information regarding this Seminar.

Grayson Consulting Ltd
View Park Towers 16th Floor
Tel: 020 261 7718 | 0770 991 893 | 0717 969 720
info@graysoncl.com |mercy@graysoncl.com 




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