[Mabadiliko] I am looking for the Life-cycle assessment (LCA) experts in Tanzania

Friday, July 12, 2013
Dear all,
I hope this mail finds you in good health.
I am looking for the LCA experts in Tanzania from different backgrounds.
Please contact me if you are willing to interact with other LCA experts in the country.
Life-cycle assessment (LCA, also known as life-cycle analysis, ecobalance, and crade-to-grave analysis) is a technique to assess environmental impacts associated with all the stages of a product's life from-cradle-to-grave (i.e., from raw material extraction through materials processing, manufacture, distribution, use, repair and maintenance, and disposal or recycling). LCAs can help avoid a narrow outlook on environmental concerns by:
  • Compiling an inventory of relevant energy and material inputs and environmental releases;
  • Evaluating the potential impacts associated with identified inputs and releases;
  • Interpreting the results to help make a more informed decision.
With kind regard
Mwema Felix

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