[wanabidii] Kenya v/s Canada in a Snapshot

Wednesday, June 05, 2013

In his efforts to deliver services to the citizens of Kenya,i want to say cheers to Prezzo Ouru. And strictly away from politiking,i was wondering what free laptops and free medical (maternity) mean to our economy hence your posting on a snapshot on kenya versus canada is quite timely.
Our V.A.T is counted at 16% where the net is yet to widen further to catch all the fish,and capital flight leaves us without returns as to improvement of roads and other socio-economc activities.
Economists and financial experts are yet to explain to us what free cost means in the face of consumables - even instant coffee undergoes a process to reach the table for a sip!
In other jurisdictions,the cost of living is affordable to the poor in the face of tycoons who pay taxes. Canada is indeedd amazing especially on water,sanitation and medical (physicians) . My friend who has lived in Canada told me that Canada is one of the best places to live in comparing to other countries.
Strictly speaking,we cant compare Kenya and canada save for the purpose of learning so as to improve.
So how free is free!
Free medical fees will guarantee the sustainance of the tyrany of number work!
From: Maurice Oduor <mauricejoduor@gmail.com>
To: Progressive Kenyans <progressive-kenyans@googlegroups.com>
Cc: "wanakenya@googlegroups.com" <wanakenya@googlegroups.com>; VVM Vuguvugu Mashinani <VuguVuguMashinani@yahoogroups.com>; Kiswahili <Kiswahili@yahoogroups.com>; KOL <kenyaonline@yahoogroups.com>
Sent: Wednesday, June 5, 2013 10:25 PM
Subject: (VVM Forum) Kenya v/s Canada in a Snapshot

Basic Facts

Countries: Kenya Canada
Population (million): 36 32
Child Mortality (under 5 years)
per 1,000 live births:
120 6
Average life expectancy (years): 52 80
Water supply coverage: 61% 100%
Sanitation coverage: 43% 100%
Physicians (per 100,000 people): 14 214
GDP per capita (US$): 547 34,484
UN Human Development Index Rank 
(out of 177 countries):
148th 4th
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