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REPOA’s Policy Briefs | | | | |||||||||||||||||
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Affordability and Expenditure Patterns for Electricity and Kerosene in Urban Households in Tanzania By Raymond Mnenwa & Emmanuel Maliti This policy brief is dedicated to the work of Dr. Raymond Mnenwa, who passed away before the publication of this piece. Can the urban poor of Tanzania afford the cost of using modern sources of energy,1 i.e. electricity, liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) and kerosene? This question has been repeatedly raised, primarily in the political arena, and unfortunately less so in academia. Three major factors reveal the importance of energy affordability in Tanzania. First and foremost is the persistent crisis in the affordability of kerosene and electricity. Second, the continued widespread dependence of households on lower cost biomass sources of energy, especially wood and charcoal, has led to ongoing environmental concerns. Third, in recent years, there has been growing public dissatisfaction with the management of Tanzania’s energy sector, coupled with dissatisfaction over the practice where the Tanzania Electric Supply Company (TANESCO), which is the principal supplier of power in the country, uses price hikes as the primary approach to bridging the gap between the company’s operating costs and revenues. This has further limited the possibility for poor households to access electricity. To read a full Policy brief please click here Understanding Rural Transformation in Tanzania By Maia Green This brief explores opportunities for and constraints on agricultural innovation for small farmers. By examining the factors influencing the uptake and sustainability of small-scale pig production compared with stall-fed dairying in Ulanga District, the research found that the success of small-scale pig production was not only explicable in relation to its lower start-up and running costs. The productivity of assets also depended on a range of factors, including the networks and the relations in which they are embedded. To read a full Policy brief please click here Socio-Economic Transformation for Poverty Reduction: Eight Key Messages for Unlocking Tanzania’s Potential Dr. Philip Mpango What will it take for a robust socio-economic transformation in Tanzania to be realized? Drawing on extensive research into high-achieving countries including learning missions to Viet Nam, China, Namibia and Brazil, this brief identifies eight key messages for unlocking Tanzania’s socio-economic potential and realising the goal of transforming Tanzania into a semi-industrialised, middle-income country by 2025. To read a full Policy brief please click here To request for a hard copy kindly email REPOA’s Communications Officer To visit REPOA’s library catalogue click here REPOA Resource Centre is open and free to the Public from Monday to Friday, 1000 to 1300, and 1400 to 1700. | ||||||||||||||||||||
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Hannah Mwandoloma
Communications Officer
REPOA, undertakes and facilitates research, conducts and coordinates training, and promotes dialogue and development of policy for pro-poor growth and poverty reduction.
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