[wanabidii] Tweets from a Meeting with Professor Wamba

Monday, January 21, 2013
Subject: [UDADISI: Rethinking in Action] Tweets from a Meeting with Professor Wamba

We are not activating our imagine if we only rely on western references and thinking.#Wamba @zittokabwe @JMakamba
When we always speak about the state the literature n reference is western, that is basic mistake #Wamba @zittokabwe @JMakamba
It's not the question of what punishment should we give corrupt leader is the frame of their mind that need to shape
The guardians the people should not be partisans #Wamba
Am afraid of what is named to be food, nutrition is key! #Wamba
The food of the slavery were more nutritious than the food of the slave master
The leadership should have at the back of their mind the core mission of improving the condition of the people #Wamba
"We once went to electricity dam,all villagers around it doesn't have electricity,that is not social protection"#Wamba @zittokabwe@JMakamba
"Our leaders doesn't want to accept they are leading people, they don't want to listen to people demands"#Wamba @zittokabwe@JMakamba
"We should have creative solutions to the critical problem, not finding a way to fit in the problem" #Wamba
Political commitment is direct to useless thing,the budget of the security of the head f the state is bigger than the security of the nation
People should not be tired up to a particular foreign language#Wamba
Finland who in invented Nokia speak their local language, what is wrong with Swahili? Why should we feel we will be left behind?#Wamba
National language should became official language, no one should be privileged because he/she knows colonial master language#Wamba
How could you tell a child what is our country position in the world while they don't even know their village position in the country#Wamba
Congo with 70 million people receiving development aid from a country with only 5 million people, something is wrong!! #Wamba
The power of millions brains if they all work and communicate properly is tremendous power,what if they are led with people who don't think?
In Congo kingdom they only have 4 days in a week, they have their own organization of time? Have we wondered why 7days a week?#Wamba
"Leaders of today protect their power from people not nation of the people"-#Wamba @zittokabwe @halimamdee @JMakamba
It start we "No one should be slave" to "Be nice to your slaves"#Wamba
Amazed by wisdom and intellect of Prof Wamba Dia Wambapic.twitter.com/glfmydWu
"We have to reconnect with nature"- Wamba

Posted By Blogger to UDADISI: Rethinking in Action at 1/21/2013 07:20:00 AM

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