--- On Tue, 18/12/12, valence joakim <valencejoakim@yahoo.com> wrote: From: valence joakim <valencejoakim@yahoo.com> Subject: Fwd: To: njovufelly@yahoo.com, neyzmjema@yahoo.com, "emmanuel john" <makande2009@googlemail.com>, adonkelvin@yahoo.com, albinawilliam@yahoo.com, "elikana ally" <elikana2002@yahoo.com>, acharleskilinda50@gmail.com, "Sengoli Bakari Mohammed" <sengolibm@yahoo.co.uk>, shiryy@yahoo.com, shedrack_maximilian@yahoo.co.uk, stewartmwanjala@yahoo.com, gwomason@yahoo.co.uk, gildarich2000@yahoo.co.uk, "givomason@yahoo.co.uk" <givomason@yahoo.co.uk>, philibertmashingia@yahoo.com, pstevetz@yahoo.com, "pkafica@yahoo.com" <pkafica@yahoo.com>, philbertmashingia@yahoo.com, lucyouko@yahoo.com, lkalindima@yahoo.com, lwagakibona@yahoo.co.uk Date: Tuesday, 18 December, 2012, 10:26
--- On Mon, 12/10/12, Kelefa Mwantimwa <mwantimwa3@gmail.com> wrote: From: Kelefa Mwantimwa <mwantimwa3@gmail.com> Subject: Fwd: To: "amalumwa" <amalumwa@yahoo.co.uk>, "asha kambagha" <akambagha@hotmail.com>, "william Andindilile Bukuku" <andindile@hotmail.com>, bkilama@yahoo.com, "chengula doreen" <dchengula@yahoo.co.uk>, "Chambi Chachage" <chambi100@yahoo.com>, cwerema@yahoo.co.uk, "Lilian Dickson" <isowel26@yahoo.com>, "emmanuel musamba" <e_musamba@yahoo.co.uk>, "Evah Simon" <evahs112@googlemail.com>, "George Wambura" <elianshiwanga@yahoo.com>, "Evans Wema" <wemafr@gmail.com>, "getrude ntulo" <getrudentulo1975@yahoo.co.uk>, "gezae haile" <gezae1996@yahoo.com>, "Henry Lameck" <henrylameck90@yahoo.com>, "helen hagos" <heluhagos@gmail.com>, "Jehova Yire" <jyire@yahoo.com>, "Jericho Mrkt" <jerichomarketing@yahoo.co.uk>, "isakwisagaddy" <isakwisagaddy@yahoo.com>, "Damian James" <sulumod@gmail.com>, "Kokuberwa Katunzi" <kaymollel@yahoo.com>, "Levina Mfupe" <lmfupe@gmail.com>, "Lalika Makarius" <makarius.lalika@student.ua.ac.be>, "merius Nzalawahe" <mwanzalawahe@hotmail.com>, "venge nyirongo" <vengenyirongo@yahoo.co.uk>, "Paul S Muneja" <pmuneja@yahoo.com>, "wangui muraguri" <pspwanguim@yahoo.com>, "pmanda" <pmanda@hotmail.com>, "moses raymond" <mose2raymon@yahoo.com>, "zaina" <rzaina@yahoo.com>, "Simphorosa Mchallo" <sikuwe@yahoo.com>, "Marc Tahita" <marctahita@yahoo.fr>, "valence joakim" <valencejoakim@yahoo.com> Date: Monday, December 10, 2012, 9:37 PM
---------- Forwarded message ---------- From: Bose Aina <peaceway2@yahoo.com>Date: Mon, Dec 10, 2012 at 9:57 PM Subject: To: kristel aquetteh < kristelsarah86@hotmail.com>, SAMUEL OREOFE AINA < prophet.sam94@yahoo.com>, aina demoi < demil.aina@gmail.com>, Seyi < seyi_odekunle@yahoo.co.uk>, Segun Aina < saina@eur.ko.com>, FOLUSO MAMA-WAKO < ojofolusso@yahoo.com>, Bosun Ogunro < bosunogunro@yahoo.com>, Diya Odekunle < odekunlediya@yahoo.com>, Tunde Aina < aina@un.org>, Segun Aina < sambeckaina@yahoo.com>, Adeniyi Aina < adeniyiaina@yahoo.co.uk>, Bose Olabisi < aabolaw@yahoo.com>, lasisi isiaka adesanya < sanyafunmi@yahoo.com>, ALAO YEMISI < yemside1@yahoo.com>, bisi OGUNRO < bisiogunro@yahoo.co.uk>, kemi Aina < aina_kemibabe@yahoo.com>, egbe okaruwa iguisi < afrifame@hotmail.com>, sunkanmi < shomate2001@yahoo.com>, saka sadik < saphil2006@yahoo.com>, ajayi olusegun < segunjiloa@yahoo.com>, Grace Inikpi < gracinikpi@yahoo.com>, OLUFADEKEMI OGUNDIPE < lizzylaw2007@yahoo.com>, christian ugwunali < nkomuc@yahoo.com>, ayodele adeloye < ayoadeloye2000@yahoo.com>, asanghanwa milca < asanghanwa2000@yahoo.com>, kehinde odekunle < ansomkenny20@yahoo.co.uk>, soyinka olalekan < lekinzy@yahoo.com>, Shesi Kusimo < shessytropical@yahoo.com>, " pamen@rccg.org" < pamen@rccg.org>, " nike.taiwo@yahoo.com" < nike.taiwo@yahoo.com>, Lola Amosu < Dwilly@gmx.de>, susan Emiko < Laju59@yahoo.com>, tosin Olajuwon < Tosintototo@hotmail.com>, Olubukunola Olowu < bukkydfa@yahoo.com>, Olanrewaju Busari < Olanrewaju.Busari@ubagroup.com>, Susan Samanga < susan.samanga@yahoo.co.uk>, Rene Bilingwe < rbilingwe@yahoo.com>, " lammyt23@yahoo.com" < lammyt23@yahoo.com>, " pastorwalet@yahoo.com" < pastorwalet@yahoo.com>, " awosusifunke@yahoo.com" < awosusifunke@yahoo.com>, Sylvia Achom < annyvia@yahoo.com>, kelefa < mwantimwamwantimwa3@yahoo.co.uk>, Eniola Aina < eniochuchu@yahoo.co.uk>, Redeemed Gata < rccggatbru@yahoo.com>, " afolabi_toy@yahoo.com" < afolabi_toy@yahoo.com>, " angelammnl@yahoo.com" < angelammnl@yahoo.com>, " dupedoc@yahoo.com" < dupedoc@yahoo.com>, " chrishbartwilliams@yahoo.com" < chrishbartwilliams@yahoo.com>, " dianaha@gbg.bg" < dianaha@gbg.bg>, " eklora@hotmail.com" < eklora@hotmail.com>, " christyetty@hotmail.co.uk" < christyetty@hotmail.co.uk>, " theo7070@yahoo.com" < theo7070@yahoo.com>, " kenny2k21@yahoo.com" < kenny2k21@yahoo.com>, " yamai.jammeh@yahoo.com" < yamai.jammeh@yahoo.com>, " paullyabord@yahoo.com" < paullyabord@yahoo.com>, " gbenga25@hotmail.com" < gbenga25@hotmail.com>, " kemiaina@hotmail.com" < kemiaina@hotmail.com>, " abayomiokeowo@yahoo.com" < abayomiokeowo@yahoo.com>, " graceoiza@yahoo.com" < graceoiza@yahoo.com>, " akalli2@yahoo.com" < akalli2@yahoo.com>, " koen-celis@vvp.be" < koen-celis@vvp.be>, " bebeto_bitcha@yahoo.com" < bebeto_bitcha@yahoo.com>, " lekesanusi@rccgvictoryhouse.com" < lekesanusi@rccgvictoryhouse.com>, Rccg Persian < rccgpersians@yahoo.com>, Rccg leuven Rccg leuven < rccgwinassembly@yahoo.com>, United Securities Limited < info@unitedsecuritieslimited.com>, jules huys < juleshuys@me.com>, Lateef Adewale Adelolu < Lateef.Adelolu@accessbankplc.com>, sola boyejo < sola_boyejo@yahoo.com>, SOLOMON AINA < solomon_aina@yahoo.com>, Jacob Moibi < moibi@shaw.ca>, " sundayalade@yahoo.com" < sundayalade@yahoo.com>, " ikeegyir@yahoo.com" < ikeegyir@yahoo.com>, " sonono203@yahoo.com" < sonono203@yahoo.com>, Bukky Aina < ainabukky61@yahoo.com>, Adeyemo < descot2002@yahoo.com>, Munoz-Lopez Maira < maira-cherie_damour@hotmail.com>, Philippe Brunin < philippe.brunin@churchillfinance.be>, " segaina@eur.ko.com" < segaina@eur.ko.com>, " nlabelgium@hotmail.com" < nlabelgium@hotmail.com>, aquetteh kristel sarah < sarah_kristel@yahoo.com>, Johnson Sean < seanfacebuk@yahoo.com>, " seunjonah@yahoo.com" < seunjonah@yahoo.com>, " mwantimwa3@gmail.com" < mwantimwa3@gmail.com>, " info.vlaams.brabant@vmw.be" < info.vlaams.brabant@vmw.be>, " s.odekunle@courierplusng.com" < s.odekunle@courierplusng.com>, " yinka.johnson@yahoo.com" < yinka.johnson@yahoo.com>, " mdsflmk2304sdfsdfk@mail.com" < mdsflmk2304sdfsdfk@mail.com>, " lilum-lona@yahoo.com" < lilum-lona@yahoo.com>, " samtoafolabi@yahoo.com" < samtoafolabi@yahoo.com>, " ebunabarshi@yahoo.com" < ebunabarshi@yahoo.com>, " centrum@wzchvanderstokken.be" < centrum@wzchvanderstokken.be>, " gmagdaleens@wzchvanderstokken.be" < gmagdaleens@wzchvanderstokken.be> Take note of this development, it is a quote from some web news
President Obama Vs Revelation 13:15-18 The US Senate has passed the Obama Health Care' bill into law. The implementation would commence on 23/03/ 2013.This bill would require all Americans to be implanted with a Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) chip in order to access medical care. The device will be implanted on the forehead or on the arm. This is to fulfill the prophesy in the Book of Revelation 13:15-18 concerning the MARK OF THE BEAST! Are you still in doubt concerning the ENDTIME? GET READY! The rapture is near! Be prepared so you are not caught unaware. Live a good life, pray more, preach the GOSPEL to others and save souls. Revelations 13 is being played out right before us. Many are still unaware.
(1) Why is the chip being implanted exactly where the Bible says it would be. Why on the hand and forehead. Why not anywhere else? (2) Why is it being connected to your bank account? Remember the Bible says you won't be able to buy or sell without the mark. And guess what! The chip is connected to your financial details. What breaks my heart the most is that many people in the church will not make it if Jesus comes now? Many are unaware that the end is near. Don't tell me that its a developed world process, technology or something fancy. If any area of your life is not in sync with God's word, its time to make a quick u-turn NOW... Repent and be converted. If you miss heaven you can never miss hell...think about it. Hell is not a pretty place, the worst part is that it is for eternity...Please rather than post and forward senseless messages and publish those Boko haram's devilish accomplishments, join me to sound the alarm. Send to everyone you know.. PLEASE play your part in this & don't just stop, Do the work of an evangelist. I pray for you: Hell will not hold you bound Jesus Christ first. As lord and savior PLEASE SHARE THIS MESSAGE WITH ALL YOUR CONTACTS |