[wanabidii] African Diaspora Conference press conference-LIVE ONLINE www.diasporadialogue.com

Thursday, November 29, 2012
Dear Media Team,
This is an invitation to share information about the upcoming African Diaspora Conference-Dec 9-11,2012

Date:Thursday, November 29,2012

Venue: Pan African University, EDC/LBS
2 Ahmed Onibudo Street, 2nd floor
Victoria Island Lagos State


Send a text to 803-456-5038 to confirm and RSVP

Diaspora Evangelists:Kamil Olufowobi, Yinka Adedeji, Foy Yammah, SALISU Abdullah and many more.

Thank you


Akinwale Roy Ojomo
Executive Producer
Global Culture Media and Marketing

301-366-4901 US
240-280-1937 US
011-234-803-456-5038 NIGERIA
011-234- 808-515-1778 NIGERIA

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 Register today
African Diaspora Conference – DEIF 2012
(A Diaspora Engagement & Innovation Forum)
Date: December 9-11, 2012
Venue:Pan-African University / LBS Ajah, Lekki, Lagos, Nigeria
Theme:Effective Mobilization of the Diaspora for
Socio-Political, Economic & Technology Development

Keep the date, register online and invite your network

On Nov 29, 2012, at 3:29 AM, Yona Maro <oldmoshi@gmail.com> wrote:


This publication seeks to identify the relationship between freedom of expression and Internet privacy, assessing where they support or compete with each other in different circumstances. The book maps out the issues in the current regulatory landscape of Internet privacy from the viewpoint of freedom of expression. It provides an overview of legal protection, self-regulatory guidelines, normative challenges, and case studies relating to the topic.

Link: http://unesdoc.unesco.org/images/0021/002182/218273e.pdf

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Recent Activity:
African Diaspora Conference – DEIF 2012 (A Diaspora Engagement & Innovation Forum)
December 9-11, 2012
Pan-African University / LBS Ajah, Lekki, Lagos, Nigeria
Theme:&#8203;Effective Mobilization of the Diaspora for Socio-Political, Economic & Technology Development
Keep the date, register online and invite your network http://www.diasporadialogue.com

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