Good people,
Let us share the below in the name of promoting education...
MsingiPACK is multi-disciplinary e-Learning and e-Revision solution for upper primary school under the 8-4-4 syllabus. Based on 100% local content, it has rapidly gained reputation as the most comprehensive digital supplement to conventional schooling.
Let us share the below in the name of promoting education...
MsingiPACK is multi-disciplinary e-Learning and e-Revision solution for upper primary school under the 8-4-4 syllabus. Based on 100% local content, it has rapidly gained reputation as the most comprehensive digital supplement to conventional schooling.
The broad categories within MsingiPACK are:
- e-Learning base
- e-Revision base
- Guidance and Counseling base
- Student's Menu
- Teacher's Menu
- Parent's Menu
- Basic ICT skills
E-Learning Base, comprising of:
- The entire course work for upper primary school (Classes 6, 7 & 8), is drawn directly from the KIE syllabus in strict sequence from the first to the last unit in all subjects.
- Purposeful topical questions that are directly tied to the stated specific objectives of a given topic – this wraps up learning into "manageable, digestible servings"
- Task-oriented weekly assignment designed to keep learners upbeat on syllabus coverage
- Extra academic content on the Student's menu containing tutorials on Composition in English, Mwongozo wa Insha, Math formulas etc
E-Revision Base, comprising of:
- MsingiPACK exams
- All KCPE past Papers – 2005; 2006; 2007; 2008; 2009 and 2010.
All exams in this base are fully automated in terms of Auto-selection; Auto-invigilation; Auto-timer, Auto-review and navigation; Auto-marking; Instant result; Question source analysis and Auto-categorization; Explanations and reasoning for failed questions; Cumulative exams reports; Student performance reports and Progress tracking etc.
Important to note: Users may sit KCPE Past paper either under Standard mode or under Custom mode. Standard is exactly as the real exam came while custom mode allows the user to enter the desired number of questions, select the categories (Topics) and set their own time for the session.
Guidance and Counseling base which has
- Pertinent topics for students, ranging from which areas they need help in; drug abuse; sex education etc
- Parent's role in Guidance & Counseling: Career guidance; Matters discipline etc
The teacher as a counselor: - many topics
Teacher's Menu with great professional tips for teachers: - from Best Practices to Effective Classroom Management.
Parent's Menu with Parental role in Schoolwork and Homework; managing TV watching at home etc
ICT Skills - from Computer Basics; Introduction to the Internet to a complete ICT Glossary
School Edition
The no.1 e-learning solution for schools
@ Only Kshs. 2,000.00 per License (Minimum 5 Licenses)
Home Edition
Designed for home schooling for pupils
@ Only Kshs. 1,850.00
Top 500 Schools are currently using MsingiPACK.
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