[wanabidii] digital number plates the way to go

Wednesday, October 17, 2012
Geoffrey Serede observation on the need to to have digitised vehicle number plates in watchman column
(oct 17,2012) is one idea the hard-of-hearing government of Kenya should embrace.

With digital number plates it is is possible to flag down stolen vehicles, Process automated speeding tickets,
integrate parking solutions and many other benefits.

The recent upgrade of national identity cards that did not incorporate even one machine readable technology
among so many available; barcode,magnetic stripe,ocr etc is a good indicator of how badly our
government officials need to be upgraded in IT and other cost effective modern technologies.

Whoever has been incharge of these number plates, supposed from Kamiti prison, should now move the
manufacturing plant to the more affluent parts of town where ICT thrives ready to give Kenyans value for
their leadership choice.

Peter Kamakia
Mitambo ICT Company
Tel: 0720219320

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