[wanabidii] [CdaBoatGaza] World Parliamentarians sail to Gaza on the Estelle

Tuesday, October 16, 2012
World Parliamentarians sail to Gaza on the Estelle

for immediate

Today the Freedom Flotilla Coalition tall ship, The Estelle is on its way to Gaza carrying Parliamentarians from Greece (Vangelis Diamandopoulos), Norway (Aksel Hagen), Spain (Ricardo Sixto Iglesias) and Sweden (Sven Britton); and a retired Canadian Parliamentarian (Jim Manly - see his personal message below*).  On the Estelle now are citizens of Canada, Finland, Greece, Israel, Italy, Norway, Spain and Sweden.

All on board the Estelle are peaceful civilians committed to non violence.

The Estelle carries a cargo of aid to the Israeli blockaded Palestinian population of Gaza, but above all it is carrying a cargo of solidarity.

It also carries an anchor and communication equipment needed for the construction of Gaza's Ark (see
www.gazaark.org).  It is expected to reach Gaza by the weekend.

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For more information or to speak to Jim Manly (Canadian retired MP) on board the Estelle, please call:

Ehab Lotayef 514-941-9792
Sandra Ruch 416-716-4010
Nino Pagliccia 604-831-9821

* Personal message from Jim Manly sailing on the Estelle

15 October 2012
Greetings to all of you and thank you for your many messages of encouragement and support. These mean a great deal to all of us on the Estelle as we sail toward Gaza.
I appreciate the dedication and commitment of all on board this boat. All of us are committed to non-violence and we are on this journey because of our commitment to the Palestinians of Gaza who are suffering because of this illegal blockade.
The whole history of the Flotilla Movement is a story of perseverance in our commitment to justice for Palestinians in Gaza and elsewhere. The focus should not be on us – the focus should be on the people of Gaza who await our safe arrival. They are also waiting for the world to listen – to hear their side of the story, which is missing from the mainstream media. Please read and download the recent UN Gaza Report from here: http://www.unrwa.org/etemplate.php?id=1423.
When Eva and I were in Bethlehem in May we saw an image painted on the "Annexation Wall" which reads: "Now you have seen. You are responsible!" We take this responsibility seriously."
As we approach the Sea of Gaza we are filled with hope. I look forward to delivering the anchor for Gaza's Ark (video: http://www.gazaark.org/2012/10/15/video-jim-manly-will-deliver-a-canadian-anchor-to-gaza) . We carry humanitarian supplies. Our only "dangerous cargo" is a cargo of HOPE.
Please hold us and the people of Gaza in your thoughts, meditations and prayers.
Jim Manly

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