[wanabidii] Malawi preacher gives couples sex tips: Do more rounds

Sunday, September 09, 2012

Malawi's popural evangelist Linly Mbeta captivated her audience as she explained to them about the importance of making love in a relationship and satisfying one another.

Mbeta, head of Chingonjetso Women's Ministry based in Mbayani, one of the squatter townships in commercial city of Blantyre, said making love was beautiful and holy and therefore couples should not be afraid of satisfying one another.

She said couples or families should enjoy making love, saying sex is an act that must be learnt and developed.

"Satisfy each other in bed and avoid having sex outside marriage," Mbeta said as quoted by the Weekend Times.

The preacher said sex enhanced love between husband and wife and therefore it should be done with a meaning.

"What is the problem? Wives, let us enjoy sex with our husbands, let us enjoy sex with our wives," she said.

More rounds

Mbeta said couples should not sanction each other when it came to making love as this would cause a conflict in a family.

"Agree, if one wants more rounds, then go for it and in that way we won't see husbands or wives enjoying sex outside," she said.

The preacher pointed out that it important that as a couple they should communicate in order to satisfy each other and also meet one another's needs especially when it comes to sex.

She emphasised that married couples should try and understand each other and address their differences at all times in order for their families to be fruitful.


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