Saturday, September 01, 2012
Today we witness History in the making at Fort Jesus , where is Colorful
Ceremony Issa Timamy resign as Chairman of National Museum of Kenya
and Declare to be Running for the Governorship Post in his home County
Lamu . 
Over 2000 people were Present including Gov. in Waiting Mombasa
County Inshallah Suleman Shahbal , Hon Balala , Hon Shakombo , Hon
Shakila , Chairman of KICC Baba Nginda Ibrahim Asst. Minister of Oil
and Gas Sultanate of Oman Al Akh Shk Khalifa Bin Mbarak Al Hinawy
Ex Cllr Hassan Al Beity , Cllr Chege wa Honge Mpeketoni na Cllr Omar
Makenzi Mkomani , Mr. Gidhuka Chairman Mpeketoni Leaders forum 
Madame Shariffa Ex Cllr , Ustadh Ahmed Muselem , Ustadh Mohd Mohsin ,
Maalim Mohd Usi , Chairman wa Fisherman Lamu County Ali Suo ,
Cllr of Tononoka Major RTD Gharib , Dr. Madi , Dr. Mbwarali from Eldoret
University Lecture , Chairman of Lamu Hospital Shk Ahmed Said Al Khatib .
Several other Cllr's and VIP's . hakika ni many people that if giving names
here will not finish now .  
I was very happy to see my best friend Cllr . Bafundi of Bondeni Ward
ambaye asili yake ni from Siyu lamu County . Vile vile ndugu Rafiki yangu
Rashid Dzambo Member wa many Forums within Coast , Khuzeima Al Bereky
Moderator of Jamian Forum , Al Habib Swaleh Khitamy , Al Akh Omar Bin
Waber from Riyadh S.Arabia , Al Akh Alawy Abzein , Mohd Athman who will
be County Rep. of Shela and not to forget our beloved brother retired USA
Navy Sergent Mohd Noor the first Kenyan Bajuni to work in Aircraft Carrier.
Gov. in Waiting Suleman Bin Shahbal as we all know his mother comes from
Lamu promise to work hand to hand to make sure that Issa Timamy awe ndiye
Gov. wa Lamu na yeye naye awe ndiye wetu wa hapa Mombasa County kwa
uwezo wa Bwana Mola . Ni wakati wa change and change is on the way in 2013.
Wengi wamezungumza na mtu siku zote waambiwa sema kweli hatta kama ni
uchungu . Hali ilivokuwa wazi MNGU akituweka hai na uzima hawa 2 ndiyo Gov's
wa Lamu and Mombasa County . Kuengeza lengine ni kuwa MNGU ametuonesha
Ishara nzuri ya nema ni kwa mvuwa ilo nyesha na amini MNGU mmoja hakuna
aliye ondoka na Speakers like Gov. Shahbal , Cllr Chege walipokuwa wazungumza
mvuwa iliwapiga na hapio hapo hatukujuwa miyavuli ilitoka wapi Rahaaaaaaaa. 
Kulikuwa na ngoma za Vugo , Mdurenge , Watoto wa Madrasa Kashmir na billa
kumsahau ndugu yetu mshairi maarufu Al Akh Mohd Kadara .
Kesho kuanziya saa tatu usiku mpaka saa tano Gov. Issa Timamy atakuwa live 
Radio Rahma kama kuna yoyote ana masuali basi aweza kumuuliza Inshallah .
Shk Abubakar Amana , delivered vote of thanks (Kilmatu Shukr) on behalf of
Gov. Issa Timamy .
Wenu ndugu
Hussein Abbas       

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