We invite you to our Seminar on Budget Formulation, Implementation, Management & Control that will be held on September 27th & 28th, at Kampala Sheraton Hotel..
The aim of this Seminar is to equip Managers, Heads of departments, Supervisors and any other personnel with a Budget Preparation and Implementation role with knowledge, skills and tools to enable them effectively Prepare, Implement, Manage and Monitor the budgets Implementation effectively. This course also equips managers with skills to enable them put in place CORRECTIVE intervention budgetary actions.
Managers who have gone through this 2 days workshop are better positioned to formulate realistic budgets, are able to own their budgets, explain variances when they occur and take corrective remedial action.
See further details of the Seminar in the Flier below, and contact us for your booking.
Kindly pass this on to your colleagues and others who may find it relevant.
Limited Slots are remaining- Book Early.
Note the following Other Upcoming Seminars;-
1. Finance for Non Finance Managers- Oct 11th & 12th, 2012. (Voyager Beach Resort, Mombasa)
2. Finance for Non Finance Managers- Oct 18th & 19th, 2012. Sheraton Kampala Hotel
3. Budget Formulation, Implementation, Management & Control- Sept 20th & 21st, Hilton, Nairobi
Get in touch with us for your booking of any of these Seminars.
Let us know whether to book you/your team in this important forum.
We look forward to hearing from you at the earliest opportune moment.
Yours faithfully,
Stephen Makau
Marketing Consultant
Hammond Tutu & Gunther Kenya Limited
Liberty Plaza- Mombasa Road, 5th Floor
PO Box 214, Nairobi 00618
Tel: 020 234 0347, DL 0770 174 425, 0704 914546, 0722 227718
 | DIT Approval Reference is DIT/TRN/761 | | SEMINAR-BUDGET FORMULATION, IMPLEMENTATION, MANAGEMENT & CONTROL- SEPTEMBER 27th & 28th, 2012-SHERATON KAMPALA HOTEL Budgets that are properly Formulated, Consciously Implemented, Managed & Controlled are powerful tools that should enable organizations' achieve their strategic goals. All managers and other staff with supervisory roles must acquire skills, techniques and tools necessary to enable them to apply best Practice in Budget Formulation, Implementation, Management & Control if the organization is to prepare Realistic and consequently Achieve the annual budgets. Furthermore, identification of Budget Variances should be an ongoing process - intervention measures must be applied from the initial stages of the Budget Implementation period. Attainment of organizational annual budget calls for an appreciation of best practice in budgeting process, budget monitoring, and awareness of intervention tools available. Hammond Tutu & Gunther Kenya Ltd will be conducting a 2 day Seminar on Budget Formulation, Implementation, Management & Control at Sheraton Kampala Hotel, on September 27th & 28th, 2012. The aim of this workshop is to equip Managers and Heads of departments entrusted with departmental or organizational budgets with knowledge and skills to enable them effectively Prepare, Implement, Manage and Monitor the budgets Implementation on a day to day basis. This course also equips managers with skills to enable them put in place CORRECTIVE budgetary actions. This is an important seminar for any Manager or Supervisor with a Budget Preparation and Implementation function. Managers who have gone through this 2 days workshop are better positioned to formulate realistic budgets, are able to own their budgets, explain variances when they occur and take corrective remedial actions in good time. Seminar Details Seminar Title-Budget Formulation, Implementation, Management & Control Dates- Sept 27th & 28th , 2012 Target Group- Heads of Departments, Heads of Sections, All Managers, Supervisors and other Budget Holders, Finance Officers and Planning Accountants. Location- Sheraton, Kampala Fees: -USD 600/= Per Participant (net of taxes). 1. Organisations booking 3 participants get a 4th one to attend free. 2. Participants get a certificate of Participation. A 2 days Workshop for Heads of Departments, Heads of Sections, Supervisors and other Managers who are accountable for units/ departmental budget, and whose actions contribute significantly to the organization attaining its annual budget. - Budget Preparation Process- Best Practice
- How to Implement & Manage a Budget once approved- Budget Monitoring and Controlling tools.
- How do you as a Head of Department, Senior Manager, Supervisor, and other non Financial Managers ensure that you achieve your unit budget?
- Corrective Actions- what tools do you have at your disposal to effect corrective actions?.
Summary Content: 1. Linking Budgeting Process to Strategy 2. Budget Formulation-Best Practice 3. Budget Control Environment 4. Budgetary Control and Responsibility Centers 5. Responsibility & Accountability for Budget Holders 6. Monthly Monitoring & Implementation Tools 7. Intervention Measures- Revenues, Costs 8. Organizational Support for attainment of the Budget 9. Managing Subsequent Business activities to achieve budgeted results. For further information regarding this seminar, respond to this email or email us at Book Online by clicking here You can also call us on the numbers indicated below. Limited slots are available for this particular Seminar- Book at the ealiest | | | |
Contact us¦ RSVP Benson Mwangi or Stephen Makau, Liberty Plaza, 5th Floor, Mombasa Road PO Box 214 - 00618, Nairobi, Tel: +254-020 2340347, +254-0704 914546,+254- 0770 174425,+254-0722 227718 Email: |
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